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Does SailPoint publish any performance metrics or baselines we can evaluate?

Does SailPoint publish any performance metrics or baselines we can evaluate?

SailPoint does not currently publish any performance metrics or baselines for our products and solutions. There are typically many factors that may effect performance, including customer-specific environmental factors. As such, it may be misleading to publish performance metrics or baselines that were derived from potentially non-representative environments. Additionally, given the seemingly endless permutations of possible customer environments that SailPoint products and solutions integrate and interface with, it is not feasible to publish performance metrics and baselines for all of them.

However, we may be able to leverage our reference program to facilitate a conversation with other customers that are operating at desired scale levels, in order to gain expected (albeit anecdotal) performance insights. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if there is interest or to learn more.

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Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎Jun 26, 2023 04:47 AM
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