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Adding additional columns on the define > identities page using UIConfig

Adding additional columns on the define > identities page using UIConfig

Post Date: July 27, 2012
Posted By: Chris Hajdu

It is possible to edit the UIConfig object in IdentityIQ to change what columns are visible in the UI under Define > Identities

The UIConfig entry that controls the columns visible in Define > Identities is:

   <entry key="identityTableColumns">
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="id" fieldOnly="true" property="id" sortProperty="id"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="name" headerKey="att_user_name" hideable="true" property="name" sortProperty="name" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="firstname" headerKey="att_first_name" hideable="true" property="firstname" sortProperty="firstname" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastname" headerKey="att_last_name" hideable="true" property="lastname" sortProperty="lastname" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="manager-displayName" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_manager" hideable="true" property="manager.displayName" sortProperty="manager.displayName" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="assignedRoleSummary" headerKey="att_assigned_role_summary" hideable="true" property="assignedRoleSummary" sortProperty="assignedRoleSummary"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="bundleSummary" headerKey="att_detected_role_summary" hideable="true" property="bundleSummary" sortProperty="bundleSummary"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="scorecard-compositeScore" headerKey="att_composite_score" hideable="true" property="scorecard.compositeScore" renderer="SailPoint.Define.Grid.Identity.renderScore" sortProperty="scorecard.compositeScore" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastRefresh" dateStyle="short" headerKey="att_last_refresh" hideable="true" property="lastRefresh" sortProperty="lastRefresh" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="managerStatus" fieldOnly="true" property="managerStatus" sortProperty="managerStatus"/>

In our case, let's say we want to add two new columns. One for an identity attribute called "status" and another that shows whether an identity is correlated or not (a correlated identity is one that was loaded from an authoritative source.)

You can add these two column config items to your identityTableColumns object to effect this:

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="status" headerKey="Status" hideable="true" property="status" sortProperty="status" sortable="true"/>
            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="correlated" headerKey="Authoritative?" hideable="true" property="correlated" sortProperty="correlated" sortable="true"/>

headerKey - will be the header string that's displayed at the top of the identity table view in the UI.

hideable - indicates whether the user can hide this column or not using the controls in the UI.

property - indicates the property that contains the value you want to display. For identity attributes, this will be the identity attribute name (as defined in your Identity Mappings.)

sortProperty - indicates the property to use to sort this column

sortable - indicates whether this field is sortable using the controls in the UI.

You can edit UIConfig through the Debug Page or by merging the new columns into the UIConfig.

Labels (2)

Cool. When I add a column it adds as a right most column. Is there a way I can add as 3rd or 4th column? Thanks, Tonmay

You should be able to simply change the sequence of ColumnConfig to have it at desired location.



I tried that and it didn't work. Seems like if I add this in first/second sequence, it adds as a right most column. Thanks, Tonmay

That is not at all the behavior I have seen in the past.  When students in class add fields to that set as first column or two, they show on the far left.  I am not sure why you are not seeing them displayed in the order you specify them.

What version?  Maybe there's something specific to the version you are on?

I just tried to add the following at the end of the table and as a second column and it works fine.

<ColumnConfig dataIndex="inactive" property="inactive" sortProperty="inactive" stateId="inactive"/>



For some reason it's not working for me, using 6.4p4

I am having same issue as Tonmay; we are on 6.4 p4.  We wanted the Display Name on the Define Identities, and this article was very helpful  Thanks Chris H!  :smileyhappy:

But I insert the Display Name in the following position and it shows up on the far right.


<entry key="identityTableColumns">



            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="id" fieldOnly="true" property="id" sortProperty="id" stateId="id"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="name" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_name" hideable="true" property="name" sortProperty="name" sortable="true" stateId="name"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="display_name" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_display_name" hideable="true" property="displayName" sortProperty="displayName" sortable="true" stateId="displayName"/>

  <ColumnConfig dataIndex="firstname" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_first_name" hideable="true" property="firstname" sortProperty="firstname" sortable="true" stateId="firstname"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastname" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_last_name" hideable="true" property="lastname" sortProperty="lastname" sortable="true" stateId="lastname"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="manager-displayName" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_manager" hideable="true" property="manager.displayName" sortProperty="manager.displayName" sortable="true" stateId="manager-displayName"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="assignedRoleSummary" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_assigned_roles" hideable="true" property="assignedRoleSummary" sortProperty="assignedRoleSummary" stateId="assignedRoleSummary"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="bundleSummary" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_detected_roles" hideable="true" property="bundleSummary" sortProperty="bundleSummary" stateId="bundleSummary"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="scorecard-compositeScore" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_composite_score" hidden="true" hideable="true" property="scorecard.compositeScore" renderer="SailPoint.Define.Grid.Identity.renderScore" sortProperty="scorecard.compositeScore" sortable="true" stateId="scorecard-compositeScore"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastRefresh" dateStyle="short" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_last_refresh" hideable="true" property="lastRefresh" sortProperty="lastRefresh" sortable="true" stateId="lastRefresh"/>

            <ColumnConfig dataIndex="managerStatus" fieldOnly="true" property="managerStatus" sortProperty="managerStatus" stateId="managerStatus"/>




Jennifer.  I'm seeing this also.  Version 6.4 p4.  Doesn't matter where you put it; identityiq sticks it on the far right.  It is ignoring the inherent list order and placing last added (chronologically) gets add to the far right.

In addition to reset the configuration cache, I also tried restart of the JVM.

Maybe there is some xml parameter we can add to force a display order?

Very frustrating; need to get this working.  Surely they can reproduce this easily in the lab?


Yes, I am seeing the same behavior you are (I am testing in 7.0).  I know for sure it did not work this way in 6.2; not sure when that changed.  Perhaps you should open a case with support.


Adding this will add a column in the Identity Warehouse . Is there any way to change the column name? Also, this column is not reflected in the Identities list when a manager selects 'For Others' on a Quicklink.

Please help.



Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎Aug 02, 2023 08:42 PM
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