I was thinking of reading on my own from the study guide with out registering for the courses.
Is this possible or in order to get certification we need to buy the course package too.
Hi Uday,
The IdentityIQ Associate certification acts as a final exam for the IdentityIQ Essentials trainings. You would need to complete the training in order to be succesful at the exam.
I would like to do the Salipoint IdentityIQ Associate Certification without joining the training program. Is it possible to do the same?
Hello! You can still register and sit for the exam through Identity University without taking the training associated. Just keep in mind that the exam is based off the content taught in the training course associated with the training path on sailpoint.com/university.
SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Associate - Exam Retake - This is the title of the certification shown in registration page for the exam 'SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Associate' is this the correct path. Please let me know.
Because this mentioned as 'retake' want to confirm before registering.
Thank you!
The registration page that mentions retake is incorrect. Please be sure to find the exam through university.sailpoint.com. This will be under "Browse" --> "Professional Certifications" --> "IdentityIQ Certifications". You can also follow this link to get to the correct registration page.