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Nice inContact Connector

Nice inContact Connector

This connector can be leveraged using SailPoint’s standard connectors (Web Services, JDBC, LDAP, SCIM 2.0, etc.) This connector can offer complete CRUD operations for the application's users, groups, and roles.  See “Compare to OOTB Connectors” section below for more details on how this differs from SailPoint Out of the Box connectors.


Support Level: Standard

SailPoint’s standard connectors support for Web Services, JDBC, LDAP, SCIM 2.0.



YesC.pngProvisioning  YesC.pngAccess Modelling   YesC.pngPassword Management  
YesC.pngAccess Certification YesC.pngCompliance  YesC.pngExtended Schema


Supported Versions

  • Any Version (Cloud)


Information about Connector

Leveraging SailPoint’s standard connectors (Web Services, JDBC, LDAP, SCIM 2.0, etc.) you can manage thousands of applications, this way also offers a great deal of custom modification as per your governance needs. SailPoint is happy to share available resources materials which can help in configuring this connector.

Vendor APIs 


Compare to OOTB Connectors

SailPoint offers 100+ OOTB connectors/integrations which are part of SailPoint’s product line. Out Of The Box Connectors/Integration are developed based on adequate demand & strategic alignment. You can request an OOTB connector anytime using below link under workspace “connectivity”.

Labels (1)

Hi @saurabh_saxena I'm interested in leveraging this connector as we are working on integrating Nice inContact with Sailpoint IdentityNow for provsioning,access certification...could you please let me know whats the process of integrating this connector and how can we know more about it?

Hi @menno_pieters , Good Day! I'm interested in leveraging this connector as we are working on integrating Nice inContact with Sailpoint IdentityNow for provsioning,access certification...could you please let me know whats the process of integrating this connector and how can we know more about it?

@chirag-gupta ,

What this article actually says, is that there is no out of the box connector for this product, but you can use one of our generic connectors like the Web Service, LDAP, JDBC, Delimited File, SCIM 1.0/2.0, etc. to integrate with the product.

What that in turn means, is that you have to see what options the vendor provides (to be honest, I'm not familiar with the product) and select a suitable communication protocol and the corresponding generic connector. Using the vendor documentation, you can configure the connector and start managing users and their access.

- Menno


This would be where you should start: 

Based on that, the Web Services Connector would probably be the best option.

- Menno

Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎Apr 11, 2022 04:50 AM
Updated by: