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Snowflake SaaS Connector

Snowflake SaaS Connector

The SailPoint Snowflake SaaS Connector is designed to provide Identity Security for Snowflake users. The connector provides visibility and governance for user accounts connected to Snowflake with granular information on roles, inherited roles, and permissions.

The SailPoint Snowflake SaaS connector is developed through SaaS Platform Connectivity, which is next-generation pure SaaS Connectivity that doesn't require any Virtual Appliance (VA).

For IdentityIQ and IdentityNow Virtual Appliance based connectivity with Snowflake system, you can refer here.


Support Level: SailPoint Delivered

Connectors developed by SailPoint's Engineering team and supported under annual SailPoint support and maintenance. Reach out to SailPoint support for assistance.


Supported Use Cases

    • Full Account Aggregation
    • Get / Refresh Account
    • Full Entitlement Aggregation (Manages Snowflake Roles as Entitlements)
    • Create Account Provisioning
    • Update Account Provisioning
    • Enable / Disable Account Provisioning
    • Unlock Account Provisioning
    • Change Account Password
    • Add Entitlement(s)
    • Remove Entitlement(s)


Supported Versions

  • Snowflake Cloud


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Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Jun 21, 2024 03:03 PM
Updated by: