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Does IdentityIQ support requesting temporary access?

Does IdentityIQ support requesting temporary access?

IdentityIQ supports the temporary assignment of roles and entitlements by allowing users submitting an access request to set a beginning (sunrise) and/or an end (sunset) date for access. Access will be provisioned on the sunrise date, and automatically deprovisioned on the sunset date.

These dates can be set either per item or for all items in an access request. Users responsible for approving a request for access can see any sunrise/sunset dates in a request, and can change the dates as part of the approval process.

However, note that the access request user interface only supports specifying a calendar day, which means that finer granularity (i.e., specifying the hour, minute, etc.) is not currently available.

For more information, including details on how to enable this feature as an administrator, see the following sections of the official product documentation:

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Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎Jun 29, 2023 02:27 AM
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