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How can we manage identity lifecycle provisioning with IdentityIQ?

How can we manage identity lifecycle provisioning with IdentityIQ?

With respect to provisioning, managing identity lifecycle in IdentityIQ typically involves facilitating the changes to accounts, access, and attributes. Focusing on accounts and access, there are two primary ways to configure lifecycle provisioning:

  1. Lifecycle events
  2. Roles

The recommend approach is to use Rapid Setup, which was introduced in the 8.1p1 release of IdentityIQ, for both account management (i.e., enabling and disabling accounts in response to identity lifecycle events) and access management (i.e., adding and removing access to accounts in response to identity lifecycle events) via associated birthright roles. While the lifecycle events feature can be used both as a compliment and alternative to Rapid Setup, they may require a higher level of effort to implement. Similarly, business role assignment rules can be used both as a compliment and alternative to Rapid Setup.

In addition to the above, the IdentityIQ attribute sync feature can be leveraged to manage non-access related attribute changes required in response to identity lifecycle events.

For more information, refer to the official product documentation.

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‎Dec 12, 2023 01:38 AM
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