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We would like to use container virtualization for our IdentityIQ deployment; is this feasible?

We would like to use container virtualization for our IdentityIQ deployment; is this feasible?

We have IdentityIQ customers that have successfully deployed using containerization technologies, and the application server requirements for the platform are light enough that they are generally suitable to this deployment model. A set of best practices and considerations regarding containerized IdentityIQ deployments is available via the SailPoint Community.

However, one should consider the business drivers behind the migration to containers, while generally weighing the pros and cons versus alternatives. For example, if containers are being leveraged to facilitate orchestration of the deployment (such as dynamically scaling the number of servers up or down, based on environmental factors), then the same might be achieved with modern cloud infrastructure deployments using traditional virtual machines (note, the resource linked above contains a section regarding server host name management, which is equally applicable to dynamic scaling use cases regardless of the underlying virtualization strategy).

Finally, our Professional Services team has developed an “Auto-Scaling Plugin” that can be tailored to any orchestration strategy ultimately deployed, as part of a paid engagement. If there is interest, more information regarding this offering can be provided upon request, by contacting your Customer Success Manager.

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‎Jun 23, 2023 02:40 AM
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