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Set File Access Manager AD groups data owner according to AD ManagedBy attribute

Set File Access Manager AD groups data owner according to AD ManagedBy attribute

This guide contains three steps:

  1. Extend Identity Collector to collect managedBy attribute

  2. Create Store procedure that set the managedBy as SecurityIq data owners

  3. Schedule a job that runs the above store procedure

  4. test


Note: If a group is managed by another group, it opens the managing group, and set its members as owners (including nested groups)


Nice one Tom!

Hi Tom,

Hope you are doing good. I want to achieve something similar to what you have done above but seems like it is not working fine in FAM. I inserted few records in [whiteops].[business_service_owner] table but it is not showing the owner information in webUI. 

Version history
Revision #:
5 of 5
Last update:
‎Aug 02, 2023 08:21 PM
Updated by: