Welcome to Identity University's support center. Here you'll find information about purchasing, enrolling, and managing training and certification at SailPoint. Select the topic of your question in the filter menu below to find answers to your questions.
Your Subscription Explained!
First: How will I know I have a subscription provisioned to my training profile? You will receive an email notification from identityuniversity_no_reply @sailpoint.com stating you have have been granted an Identity University subscription. It will look like this: Second: Now what do I do? Please check out Identity University ICD to get started. This will give you the lay-o...
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Received 30 day notice for a course, but my subscription hasn't expired yet.
Each on demand course allows a 90-day access period. After the course has expired, you can re-enroll in the course. You can re-enroll as many times as you need until your subscription expires. Keep in mind, when you re-enroll, it will start at the beginning state, and you will have another 90 days to complete the course.
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What is included in the Training Subscription?
All on-demand courses (eLearning and QuickLearns) are included in a subscription. Consumption is unlimited within your subscription period, and when you complete a course, you may retake it at any time during the subscription period. Please see an example of which courses are included in a subscription (highlighted in red):
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Are there any free training materials I can access to learn SailPoint?
Yes, after successfully creating an account and logging in to Identity University, you can view and enroll in our free introductory training by clicking on Free Training on the Identity University home page. The Identity Security Leader training path and credential are also free! Click here to see the full path and to enroll! Note: You can re-enroll in the f...
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Can a training subscription purchaser also be assigned to the subscription as a learner?
Yes, a purchaser can also be assigned as learner.
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Can I change the display size of the eLearning video?
If the eLearning video is not an ideal size in your browser window, use the normal browser zoom (Ctrl+, Ctrl-) to make it larger or smaller as needed. Make sure you are using one of the supported browsers (Chrome, Firefox). Also, to guarantee max width, be sure to collapse the Table of Contents and set the player to full screen:
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Can I request the Enhanced Certification?
This program has been discontinued as of August 2023. If you currently obtain an Enhanced Certification, it will be valid up until it’s expiration date.
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Can I take the exam from home?
Yes. Check out our Test Taker User Guide for more details. Exams can be taken from home following required steps for verification and proctoring.
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Common FAQs for SailPoint Certification and Credentialing Program Updates - January 2025
What happens after I complete a Knowledge Credential or Certification exam? Upon successfully passing either of the exams, you will be awarded a digital badge through Identity University. You will be able to share your digital badge on your LinkedIn profile, where others can click on the badge and validate your credential’s validity and authenticity. Who can take an exa...
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Do certification exams expire?
The following exams expire after 2 years: IdentityNow Engineer IdentityIQ Engineer The following exams do not expire: IdentityNow Professional IdentityIQ Associate
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Do I get a score report?
Yes, you can request this after completion of the exam. Check out our Test Taker User Guide for more details.
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Do Knowledge Credentials expire?
No, Knowledge Credentials do not expire. They are pass/fail and once you have achieved a passing score it is set without requiring any re-take.
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Having trouble with self-paced courses?
Default browser settings vary depending on learners and their organizations IT security. Read through the following troubleshooting steps to play eLearning courses from Identity University. Keep in mind that different browsers will have similar settings to configure. First: Confirm that you can play any Youtube video without issue from the browser you are currently using...
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How are sales taxes treated in Identity University?
Sometimes US sales tax is applicable to Identity University training purchases. (Identity University is not subject to VAT or other non-US taxes.) When buying a training registration by credit card, applicable sales tax will be added automatically to the total charged. When purchasing Training Subscription or Training Units, sales tax will be charged as applicable. As a result, sale...
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How can a learner confirm that they have a subscription and when it expires?
From their learner dashboard, a user will see the subscription package in their Completed Learning tab. They will see the status within their subscription, the expiration date, and see when they're eligible for reacquisition (two weeks prior to their expiration date).
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How can I change my time zone in my account?
To change the time zone to your specific location, log in to Identity University, go to the list icon (upper left of logo) > Me > Profile > edit Business Contact.
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How can I enroll in QuickLearns or eLearning?
Access Information Registration to the full on-demand library is only available with an Identity University eLearning Subscription QuickLearn and eLearning courses accesses expire 90-days after enrollment but with a valid subscription, you can re-enroll as needed after the course expires without cost. Note, re-enrollment creates a new instance of the course and does no...
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How can I find out what training will cost me without buying it, net of sales taxes?
This article applies only to new purchases of training courses completed via credit card. First, SailPoint only collects sales taxes for transactions billed to business addresses in the USA. We do not assess VAT on training purchases. Second, collection of USA sales taxes is determined by an integrated payment system, using the address set in your Identity University ...
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How can I pay for my and/or my colleagues’ training?
Identity University offers two types of pricing models: subscription-based enrollments and individual enrollments. The eLearning Subscription allows named users to access our entire catalog of eLearning and QuickLearns with unlimited enrollments. Please visit the Training Subscription page to learn more about this pricing model. You can purchase a subscription using a credit card vi...
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How can I purchase a subscription?
Subscriptions can be purchased using credit cards or purchase order. Training units are not available for subscription payment. Credit Cards To purchase a subscription directly on Identity University with a credit card, select Subscribe now, from the home page to view subscription options. Next, please submit a support ticket by clicking Education Services request ...
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How do I create an account in Identity University?
As a new user you will first need to register as a SailPoint user. Following these steps, you will gain access to a variety of SailPoint platforms including Identity University. First, register as a new user by navigating to Identity University and click the profile icon on the top right. You will then be redirected to the single sign-on page. On the page, click No account? Register now! ...
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How do I download my Proof of Completion certificates?
To view your completed courses, log into Identity University. Then navigate to the list icon (left of the Sailpoint logo) and go to > Completed Learning > Filters > Select Date (ALL) > Apply Filters. To download your Proof of Completion, click PRINT CERTIFICATE (using Export Certificate from the dropdown menu may result in a blank screen.)
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How do I get an account on Identity University?
In 2021 SailPoint launched SailPoint Single Account for all customers, partners, prospects, and employees to access SailPoint’s websites. This exciting new capability leverages our brand-new Ping One CIAM platform to enable our customers and partners to use a single user login (email and password) to sign into the following websites: Compass Community Identity Uni...
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How do I get proof of CPE credits for my CISSP after taking your training?
You will self-report the CPE credits to (ISC) 2® . The Proof of Completion you receive for any given course states the duration of the instruction received. If requested, SailPoint will confirm your attendance. The Proof of Completion certificate, which includes the course duration, is the only item we provide for CPE submittal. The test included with the IdentityIQ Essentials course is f...
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How do I get to Proctor360’s scheduling platform?
You must register for your exam in Identity University, then once you register you will see a launch button that will open up a new window and take you directly to Proctor360. You must launch through Identity University to ensure a seamless scheduling and test taking process. You will then receive an email with instructions to later sit for your exam
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How do I obtain a Knowledge Credential?
Knowledge Credentials are earned by completing the entire associated training path and passing a credential exam through SailPoint’s Identity University.
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How do I obtain my digital badge?
Upon receiving your email stating you have successfully passed the exam; you will receive your badge information via email. It may take 72 business hours for your exam session to be reviewed and badge to be delivered. View our Digital Badging Guide for more information.
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How do I prepare for a Professional Certification?
Preparation can depend on the exam you wish to take but includes completing the associated training path and experience in the field. You can find our study guides and candidate profiles on our Certification home page.
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How do I register for a Professional Certification exam?
Registration for the Professional Certification exams begins by purchasing the exam on Identity University and then scheduling your exam via Proctor360. Check out our Proctored Exam Test Taker User Guide for more details.
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How do I register for a self-paced eLearning course?
eLearning courses are available with a valid eLearning Subscription only and cannot be purchased a-la-carte. To confirm if you have an active subscription, check out this FAQ on how to view your subscription in your training profile. Once you have validated you have a subscription, you can begin enrolling in on demand courses. We encourage you to review the training paths to see which cou...
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How do I register for an instructor-led class?
All in-person and virtual learning classes are led by an expert instructor. Navigate to our catalog on Identity University to find the class event that best fits your schedule and learning experience. There are two options to find the current class schedule. Class Calendar - From the main page in Identity University select the "Class Calendar" to see the full list in calendar view. Make sure y...
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How do I register for class(es)?
Identity University offers two types of pricing models: subscription-based enrollments and individual enrollments. With an active eLearning subscription, the included classes will automatically display with a $0 price so you can simply add the class(es) to your cart to initiate the checkout process. Please visit the Payments and Pricing Tab for more information.
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How do I register for the Identity Security Leader training path and Knowledge Credential exam?
Register for the Identity Security Leader training path on Identity University If you do not have an Identity University account, you can create this for free here. Complete all the training in the Identity Security training leader path on Identity University. These training completions are required to unlock the exam. Register for the Identity Security Leader Credential on Identi...
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How do I reschedule my certification exam?
To reschedule a Professional Certification exam that is proctored, you must go to your Proctor360 scheduling link and click "My Sessions" or go directly to https://prod1exam.proctor360.com/#/mysession. Note: Rescheduling due to a no-show will be a $20 charge to the user. If you are outside of the 48 hour window to when you are supposed to sit for your exam, you can resched...
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How do I share my Knowledge Credential on Social Media?
You can share your credential on social media such as LinkedIn. To do so, follow the steps in our Digital Badging Guide.
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How do I update details to my Identity University profile?
Please submit a Support ticket or contact us by email at login-help@sailpoint.com to request changes or updates to the following: Changes to your First and/or Last Name Changes on your assigned Organization Merging profiles Moving Badge(s) The only profile update you can self-set in Identity University is your profile Time Zone. We highly recommend that you update yo...
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How does SailPoint determine the passing score for certification exams?
SailPoint utilizes the Contrasting Groups Method approach to set our passing scores for our certification exams. We conduct a contrasting group study by recruiting approximately 100 candidates that fall into one of these three categories: below minimally qualified, minimally qualified, and above minimally qualified. These candidates take our beta exam, and we analyze their results psychometricall...
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How far in advance do I need to schedule my exam with Proctor360?
You must schedule at least 48 hours in advance. If you are within the 48 hours, you can schedule your exam but there will be a fee to do so and will be on the test-taker to pay the fee
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How is a Knowledge Credential different from a Certification?
Knowledge Credentials are designed for professionals with little to no experience with identity security. They are perfect for people who are just starting their identity security careers, who want to showcase their professional development and learning progression while giving employers and business leaders greater confidence in their identity security knowledge. A Knowledge Credential confirms ...
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How long do I have to complete a proctored certification exam?
You have 90 minutes to complete the exam.
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How long do I have to complete the self-paced eLearning courses?
All learners have 90-days access to the course materials, the video lessons, and, if included with their class, the SkyTap Virtual Machines. We do not extend the expiration dates of training courses or virtual machine (VM) environments. With an Identity University eLearning Training Subscription, you may re-enroll in any eLearning course after the course expir...
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How long do I have to take my Professional Certification exam after registering?
You have 12 months upon enrolling for the Professional Certification exam in Identity University to schedule and sit for your exam.
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How long do I need to prepare for a Certification Exam?
This depends on each exam. For any role based exam, we recommend a minimum of 6 months working in the product before sitting for the exam. Reference the requirements on our Certification home page.
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How many questions are on the Identity Security Leader Knowledge Credential Exam?
There are a maximum total of 30 questions on this exam. Keep in mind, the exam will automatically end once you have answered enough questions correctly or incorrectly. Once you reach the threshold of correct or incorrect number of questions answered, you will automatically receive a pass or fail result. Therefore, you might have less than 30 questions presented to you.
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How many questions are on the Professional Certification exams?
We do not share this information because we use Discrete Option Multiple Choice format. The amount of questions can vary as sometimes non-scored questions may be included. More information can be found on our certification home page at the bottom of the page.
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How many times can I take a Professional Certification exam?
There is no restriction for how many times you can take a Professional Certification exam. However, each exam enrollment is good for 2 attempts. You will have your original enrollment in the exam and a 1 time exam retake. You can learn more on how to enroll in your exam retake here.
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How much does it cost to take the exam to receive my Knowledge Credential?
Knowledge Credentials will be free and included with your training path!
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How to DROP a course
As a SaaS platform, IdentityNow undergoes updates on a regular basis. As a result of continuous improvement, the SailPoint user experience (UX) may change. For this reason, Identity University has enabled the ability for users to DROP certain courses so that they can reenroll into the latest version of a course. Currently, the following courses can be dropped by the user: IdentityNow Implemen...
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How will I receive confirmation that I am enrolled?
You will receive an email from Identity University (identityuniversity_no_reply @sailpoint.com) that confirms your enrollment into eLearning and instructor-led classes. You will also find your class listed on your Plan page. After logging into Identity University, navigate to Me to view your Plan.
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I am enrolled in the IdentityNow Engineer exam and it has been retired, now what?
This exam has only been retired for new enrollments. We are offering 3 different options if you are currently registered for the IdentityNow Engineer exam. Option 1: Take the IdentityNow Engineer exam by June 2025 to retain validity for two years. This is as long as your enrollment is still valid and has not already expired. Option 2: Reach out to training-help@sailpoint.com to t...
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I am enrolled in the IdentityNow Professional exam and it has been retired, now what?
This exam has only been retired for new enrollments. We are offering 3 different options if you are currently registered for the IdentityNow Professional exam. Option 1: Take the IdentityNow Professional exam by June 2025. If you choose not to take it before then, after June 2025, the exam will automatically be transferred to enroll you in the Identity Security Professional credent...
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I have scheduled my exam with Proctor360, now how do I sit for the exam?
Upon scheduling, Proctor360 will send you an email to confirm your scheduled appointment. Follow the steps in the email to complete your system inspection. Step 1 includes a link to start your exam. You will also receive a second email after you complete your system inspection where you can select Step 3 to begin your exam
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I haven't received my email from Proctor360, what do I do?
Please be sure to allow emails from the address noreply@proctor360exams.com. To make sure you don't have a firewall up against this email address, please reach out to your organizations IT department. In order to complete your systems check and check in the day of your exam, you will need to receive this email.
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If a subscriber is no longer with our company, can the remaining subscription time be re-assigned?
Yes, when a subscription seat holder is no longer with the organization, we can re-assign the remaining subscription time to a new learner. To request a learner swap, please submit a support ticket by emailing training-help@sailpoint.com and add the reasoning for the learner swap request. Please be sure the new learner has a created a training profile in Identity University before subm...
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If the instructor-led class I want is sold out, can I put myself on a waiting list?
Yes, you can add yourself to a waiting list for a particular class following the “Add to Cart” process. If a seat comes free, Identity University (identityuniversity_no_reply @sailpoint.com) will send you an email invitation to request your confirmation to accept the class seat. You must respond to this invitation within 24 hours to confirm your seat in the class. If you are unabl...
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Is the Identity Security Leader Credential Exam Proctored?
No, this exam is not proctored. Upon launching this exam, you will start it immediately online.
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Is this Professional Certification exam audited?
Yes, this is audited by a live proctor throughout the entire exam session.
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I’m totally new to SailPoint. Where should I start?
Welcome to SailPoint! We suggest starting with the Identity Security Leader path and complete the Identity Security Leader Credential. If you are a licensed customer or partner, navigate to the training paths! We offer both role-based and product-based training paths to help guide in your learning journey. In the training paths, we also include our suggestion on when to take ...
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My internet connection is pretty spotty. Can I still use Identity University eLearning or attend a remote class?
The expectation for using eLearning or for attending a remote class is that you provide a solid internet connection. The connection is required to view eLearning videos or participate in a remote class, and to perform the exercises. In particular, make sure your internet connection meets the SkyTap Access Requirements.
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Not receiving account verification email. I'd like to register for the free training.
Please submit a Support ticket or contact us by email at login-help@sailpoint.com for assistance.
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Now that the IdentityNow Professional exam is retired, what do I do if I am already certified?
While your current certification will remain valid and will not expire, we encourage anyone who already has the IdentityNow Professional certification to still follow the new training path associated with the credential. The path has been updated with new content and will continue to evolve. Remember, upon completing the training path, you will unlock access to take the credential exam for free. ...
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SailPoint eLearning Subscriptions
Subscriptions overview A SailPoint eLearning subscription provides on-demand access to all SailPoint training which includes both role-based and product training. This subscription model is designed to empower teams, foster career advancement, and support targeted skill development. With over 100 on-demand courses in our catalog, learners can engage with content that suits their role and intere...
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The course I am enrolled in has expired and I would like to enroll again. Am I allowed to do that?
Yes, you can re-enroll in any of the on-demand courses as many times as you would like during your subscription term. Once you re-enroll, it will start at the beginning state, and you will have another 90 days of access.
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What are my options for learning? Do you have both online and in-person options?
We offer two types of training: eLearning (online, self-paced learning) or instructor-led courses. eLearning classes are self-paced and can be accessed at any time upon registration. Learner gets a 90-day access period upon registration to complete the class. Please visit our Training Subscription page on how to get unlimited access for 12 months. Instructor-led classes are t...
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What are QuickLearns?
QuickLearns are a short, targeted online trainings. Here's what to expect from a QuickLearn: A short lesson no more than 15 minutes in length. Free-standing topics - meaning you can pick and choose which you need (or want) to watch without taking a full class. Content ranging from topic overviews, to how-to demonstration videos, to games testing your topic knowledge. ...
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What are some key differences between the instructor-led and the eLearning versions of the IdentityIQ Essentials course?
IdentityIQ Essentials is available in two formats: instructor-led, and self-paced eLearning. Instructor-led classes may be delivered in-person or by virtual classroom. The instructor-led classes provide an interactive learning experience. You can ask questions of and discuss the materials with our knowledgeable instructors and the other students in your session. You have a choice of form...
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What are some key differences between the instructor-led and the eLearning versions of the IdentityNow Essentials and IdentityNow Implementation: Advanced Configurations course?
IdentityNow Essentials and IdentityNow Implementation: Advanced Configurations is available in two formats: instructor-led and self-paced eLearning. Instructor-led classes may be delivered in-person or by virtual classroom. The instructor-led classes provide an interactive learning experience, and a dedicated IdentityNow tenant and virtual environment dedicated to each learner. You can a...
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What are the preferred browsers that support Identity University?
Latest versions of Chrome, FireFox, Edge, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported. Note: Identity University does not support using the Back button in the browser to navigate to previously visited pages. Due to differences in architecture, the Back button may work for some pages, but this is not by design and Identity University does not guarantee that it will wor...
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What can I expect from the Message Center?
The Message Center is where you can find all communication regarding current and upcoming training you have registered for including eLearning’s, QuickLearns, instructor-led training, exams, and course surveys. To access your Message Center, log in to Identity University, go to your profile icon (upper right of cart) > Message Center.
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What do I do if my order shows Payment Initiated?
Please submit a support ticket or email training-help@sailpoint.com with your order details so our Support Staff can cancel the failed order.
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What do I need to do if I am having issues accessing my virtual machine for IdentityIQ self-paced courses?
Run speed tests to check the quality of your connectivity at Skytap Speedtest. Evaluate your results against these recommendations. If needed, suggestions to improve your network performance are found here. Make sure you select the proper host where your VM should be located. Select the geographic area matching your physical location. Note, your physical location is based on yo...
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What does it mean to “Launch” a course?
When you see the “Launch” button on a course, Identity University is telling you that the course is immediately available for you to begin. No additional purchase steps are necessary.
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What does it mean to “Show Interest” in a course?
To “Show Interest” tells the SailPoint Education Services team that you are interested in seeing more events of this title to appear on the public schedule.
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What happens if I am late or miss my exam session?
You have 15 minutes to connect with your proctor during your scheduled session time. If you are past 15 minutes late you will be considered a no show and have to re-schedule your exam
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What happens if I do not pass a Knowledge Credential exam the first time?
You will have the ability to retake your certification exam 3 times, free of charge. If you would like an additional attempt, you will have to request this by emailing training-help@sailpoint.com and there will be a fee associated with the 4th + attempt.
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What happens to completed/expired training courses?
All expired and completed courses move to your Completed Learning page. This is also where you can view or print your Proof of Completions for all completed learning. To access your Completed Learning page, log in to Identity University, go to the list icon (upper left of logo) > Me > Completed Learning tab. Note: course surveys are optional and are not required to complete a cour...
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What if I have questions about prices, sales quotes, etc.?
Please open a Support Ticket if you have any questions on pricing or if you are seeking a sales quote for training.
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What is "120444 User doesn’t exist. Please contact system administrator” Error?
What does this error mean? Due to inactivity your account was deactivated. Email login-help@sailpoint.com to be reactivated today!
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What is a Knowledge Credential?
A knowledge credential is a new type of digital badge you can earn, confirming that you have successfully learned and acquired new knowledge or skills by completing a SailPoint Identity University training path AND by passing a multiple choice exam.
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What is a Training Subscription?
Subscriptions Overview A SailPoint eLearning subscription provides comprehensive, on-demand access to role-based and product training for a period of one year. This subscription model is designed to enhance team development, foster career growth, and support focused skill enhancement. Features and Benefits Unlimited Access: Enjoy unlimited access to all eLearning and QuickLearn courses th...
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What is an Identity Security Leader?
The Identity Security Leader is a holder of a new accreditation that validates foundational knowledge leaders need to drive success of their identity security program. This new credential is earned by completing the Identity Security Leader training path and passing the credential exam through SailPoint’s Identity University. The Identity Security Leader training path, comprised of 4.5 hour...
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What is exam tracking from Proctor360?
Are you sure to stop exam tracking? Yes No Stop exam tracking Proctor360 will ask you to enable exam tracking prior to taking the exam. Please be sure to remove the Proctor360 plugin after you complete your exam to avoid the exam tracking to continue.
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What is NOT included in the eLearning Subscription package?
The eLearning subscription does not include instructor-led courses or certification exams. These enrollments can be purchased separately with a credit card or training units on Identity University. Please see an example of what is not included in a subscription (highlighted in red):
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What is Proctor360?
As of March 31st, 2024, Proctor360 is our new certification proctoring vendor. They specialize in providing test takers a platform to schedule and sit for the certification exams in a secure way to ensure the integrity of the exam is not compromised. Each test taker will be assigned a proctor upon scheduling their exam and will be monitored while sitting for their exam.
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What is the class Due Date?
IMPORTANT: The Due Date in a learner’s plan page is not the same as the class expiry date. The Due Date feature is self-set by the learner and is not tied to the access period for the class. We highly encourage learners to review the expiry date for the class before setting the due date.
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What is the deadline for registering in an instructor-led class?
Registration closes one week before the class start date. The exact enrollment class date and time can be reviewed in the class listing. Once the deadline has passed you will be unable to secure a seat in that class. Check the schedule for future offerings.
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What is the exam duration for the Identity Security Leader Credential?
The maximum exam duration is 45 minutes. The exam will automatically end once you have answered enough questions correctly or incorrectly. Once you reach the threshold of correct or incorrect number of questions answered, you will automatically receive a pass or fail result. Therefore, you might complete your exam in less than 45 minutes.
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What is the exam format for Knowledge Credentials?
The exam format for all Knowledge Credentials is a mix of standard multiple choice, <SPAN class="lia-search-match-lithium ">true</SPAN> false, and matching questions.
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What is the fee for a Professional Certification exam retake?
To qualify for the exam retake, you must have already purchased 1 certification exam after April 1st, 2024 to be eligible for the retake of the same certification exam. We allow you a 1 time free retake. For information on how to enroll in your exam retake, you can find it here.
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What is the fee for a Professional Certification exam?
Professional Certification exam fees depends on the specific exam but range between $400-$500. Specific pricing can be found on Identity University.
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What is the format of a Professional Certification exam?
All SailPoint Professional Certification exams use the Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) question format, a unique system for multiple choice testing. Read more at Professional Certification Program.
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What is the passing score for the Professional Certification exams?
SailPoint exams are pass/fail only, the exams do not provide the percentage required to pass or the number of questions, and the number of questions can vary per test taker. Check out our Policy Handbook for more information.
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What is the policy on cancellations and refunds for instructor-led classes?
If you cancel or reschedule your registration fifteen (15) or more calendar days before the scheduled class start date, SailPoint will assess no charge. If you cancel or reschedule your registration eight (8) to fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the class start date, SailPoint will assess 50% of the class fee. If you do not show up for the event or cancel in seven (7) o...
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What is the policy on cancellations and refunds for self-paced courses?
Self-Paced courses are available with a valid eLearning Subscription. The subscription entitles the subscribers unlimited access for paced courses during the subscription term. Each enrollment to a self-paced course is good for 90-days. We highly encourage subscribers to complete the class within the access period. After 90-days, the subscriber can re-enroll for the class but no progress will b...
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What is the process to provide learner names?
You can communicate your list of subscription learners to SailPoint by contacting your Customer Success Manager, or the SailPoint Education Services team through the SailPoint Support Portal.
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What Knowledge Credentials does SailPoint offer?
Today, we offer have 1 Knowledge Credential available, the Identity Security Leader Credential. Learn more here. COMING SOON: Identity Security Professional Knowledge Credential (February 2025)
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What’s included in my Learning Plan page?
Your plan page displays all training you have registered for, including exams and course surveys. To access your Plan page, log in to Identity University, go to the list icon (upper left of logo) > Me > Plan tab.
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When can subscribers be added to the subscription package?
The named users (subscribers) can be assigned to the subscription at any point during the subscription term. When a subscriber have left the company, we can assign the remaining subscription time to a new user.
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When does the subscription begin and end?
Log into your training profile on Identity University -> click the three lines to the left -> click Completed Learning. Here you will see your subscription term dates. On = term start date and expiration = term end date.
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Where can I find the Identity University Terms and Conditions of Use?
The Terms and Conditions of use are located here: Identity University Terms and Conditions This is always the most up to date version and is the version enforced in the event of any discrepancy found in on-line content.
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Where can I find Training Paths?
View our in-depth learning paths designed to drive deep product expertise here.
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Where do I go if I have questions on how to use Identity University?
You can open a Support Ticket if you have any questions on how to use Identity University. You can also email training-help@sailpoint.com which will create a support case in our portal.
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Where do you find training on the SailPoint product?
SailPoint’s training portal is called Identity University. We encourage you to create a profile to view our entire catalog of training classes.
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Who can take SailPoint Professional Certification exams?
At this time, only current customers and partners of SailPoint can sit for the available Professional Certification exams.
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Who do I contact for Training support?
If you have a question please submit a Support ticket or contact us by email at training-help@sailpoint.com
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Who should become an Identity Security Leader?
The Identity Security Leader training and credential exam are available for security professionals interested in expanding their identity management and security skills through Identity University. Even those without any identity security knowledge are eligible to take the free training and credential to become an Identity Security Leader.
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Why can I no longer register for the IdentityNow Professional and the IdentityNow Engineer exams?
As of January 10th, 2025 these 2 exams were retired and will be replaced by 2 new updated exams. Coming February, 2025 we will be launching the Identity Security Engineer certification exam and the Identity Security Professional credential exam. For those already registered for the IdentityNow Engineer and/or the IdentityNow Professional exam, you will still be able to sit for your exam...
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Why can I not register for the eLearning courses and QuickLearns even though the price shows zero dollars?
eLearning courses and QuickLearns are listed as zero dollars because they are not available for purchase a-la-carte. They are only available with a valid subscription. One thing to note is that training units, where associated, will still be visible but do not prevent a user’s access to eLearning courses or QuickLearns.
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Why did my exam end before my allotted time?
The exam will automatically end once you have answered enough questions correctly or incorrectly.This may occur before your full allotted exam time is complete. Once you reach the threshold of correct or incorrect number of questions answered, you will automatically receive a pass or fail result.
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Why did you retire the IdentityIQ Professional or IdentityIQ Architect exam?
We still offer two extremely valuable IdentityIQ exams: SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Associate: Ideal for individuals new to SailPoint products or the identity security industry and the SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Engineer: Designed for experienced professionals with practical hands-on knowledge of IdentityIQ configuration and administration. The identity security industry is shifting tow...
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Will I need to create an account for Proctor360?
No, if you are a SailPoint customer or partner or employee and hold an Identity University account, you will not need to create any additional account for Proctor360
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