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How to: Ranks and badges

How to: Ranks and badges



Your rank, displayed under your username, reflects your level of community participation over time. The more you participate, the higher your rank will become. Participation includes submitting questions and topics in forums, commenting on posts, writing wiki articles, marking responses as solutions, and giving kudos to content. Members can earn multiple badges, but hold only one rank at a time. 

What is your rank? Currently, the Compass ranks range from New Member to Fleet Admiral. Find out where you stand using the tables below!

# Rank Name
1 Fleet Admiral
2 Admiral
3 Vice Admiral
4 Rear Admiral
5 Commodore
6 Lieutenant-Commander
7 Captain
8 Lieutenant
9 Boatswain
10 Navigator III



# Rank Name
11 Navigator II
12 Navigator
13 Rigger III
14 Rigger II


16 Lookout III
17 Lookout II
18 Lookout
19 Deckhand III
20 Deckhand II
# Rank Name
21 Deckhand
22 Crew III
23 Crew II
24 Crew

Passenger III

26 Passenger II
27 Passenger
28 Stowaway III
29 Stowaway II
30 Stowaway
31 New Member


User profiles are rewarded with a badge upon completing important community actions or milestones. These accomplishments are visible to both yourself and other members. To view all your current badges in the community, click on your avatar at the upper right-hand corner, select My profile, and then click View all badges.

Currently, there are 78 badges available. Can you collect them all? You can also view all badges on someone else's profile to engage in some friendly competition!

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

You can move up in the ranks and earn badges through your community activity!


Want to learn more about submitting an idea to SailPoint? Read the How to: Submit an idea article.

Version history
Revision #:
26 of 26
Last update:
‎Jun 19, 2024 03:24 AM
Updated by: