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How to: Use the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

How to: Use the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory, please contact us at




This guide provides detailed instructions for navigating the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory. Explore the comprehensive user directory to search for other SailPoint certified professionals by their name, certifications, location, and organization. Showcase your SailPoint professional certifications, highlight your achievements, and connect with other certified professionals through the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory.


Accessing the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

Start by selecting the Community tab in top of your screen, then click on SailPoint certified professional directory under the Network section.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png


Navigating through the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

Using search filters

There are various ways to filter results into areas that are relevant to you. Use the text and check boxes under the Filters section to refine your search.

Note: The search results page will automatically update depending on what you type in and check mark.

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png

Filter by Name to narrow your results to either a person's first, last, or their full name.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

Filter by SailPoint Certified Certifications by check marking the boxes that you are looking for.

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png

Search by Location if want to keep results constrained to a specific city, state, or country.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

You can also type in the name of the organization you are looking for in the Organization text box.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png


Sorting your search results

Start by clicking the Sort By drop-down field and then select the option of your choice.

Note: The search results page will automatically update depending on the sorting option that you choose.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.png


Opting in to the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

In order to be featured in the directory, you need to be a SailPoint customer or partner and have an active SailPoint professional certification. Once you meet these qualifications, start by scrolling down the personal information settings for your Compass profile, check mark the Add me to the Certification Directory box, and then save your settings.

Note: The Add me to the Certification Directory check box will only be available to SailPoint customers and partners. Once you select and save this in your settings, it can take up to 24 hours before your information appears in the directory.

Tutorial Screenshot #8.png


Submitting feedback for the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory

Begin by going to the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory, scroll down the page until you see the Filters header, and then click on Give us feedback.

Tutorial Screenshot #9.png

Fill out the form and once you are finished, click Submit.

Tutorial Screenshot #10.png


Frequently asked questions

How do I add my name to the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory?

To be included in the directory, you need to be a SailPoint customer or partner and have an active SailPoint professional certification. For more information, check out the Opting in to the SailPoint Certified Professional Directory section.


How do I acquire a SailPoint professional certification?

To find out more information about SailPoint professional certifications, please check out the SailPoint Professional Certification Program.


Can I keep the SailPoint professional certification if I leave my company?

Yes, the SailPoint professional certification is awarded to you as the individual (not to your employer), regardless of who pays for the exam. Even if your employer pays for it and you leave later, it is still yours and you are able to add your personal email to your certification profile, so it is attached to you.

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