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Guidewire ContactManager

Guidewire ContactManager

SailPoint's ContactManager integration seamlessly and securely connects to Guidewire ContactManager Cloud, providing governance capabilities for accounts and management of Groups and Roles as entitlements. 


Support Level: SailPoint Delivered

Connectors developed by SailPoint's Engineering team and supported under annual SailPoint support and maintenance. Reach out to SailPoint support for assistance.


Supported Use Cases

  • Manage Users as Accounts
  • Aggregate Users
  • Read, Create, Update User
  • Enable/Disable User
  • Add/Remove Entitlements (Groups and Roles) 
  • Aggregate Entitlements (Groups and Roles) 


Supported Versions

  • Cloud - Jasper


Related Documentation

Identity Security Cloud

IdentityIQ - TBD


Contact Us

SailPoint Support

SailPoint Professional Services

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎Jun 19, 2024 02:27 PM
Updated by: