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What's New in ServiceNow

What's New in ServiceNow


SailPoint releases updates to its ServiceNow applications as new features are introduced. This page provides information about the updates to each of our 4 applications, going back to the prior few releases. This page also provides information about what is planned in the upcoming releases, for your guidance.

SailPoint encourages you to upgrade to the most current version.

IdentityIQ and IdentityNow customers should refer to this page for the compatibility matrix.

NOTE: The features under Upcoming Release are proposed for future releases. SailPoint reserves the right to decide not to introduce any of these features.

SailPoint's ServiceNow Service Catalog for IdentitySecurityCloud 

Release Feature Enhancements


  • v4.1 (April'25)
  • Ability to filter by Application

  • Consolidated view of SailPoint requests in ServiceNow with mapping ISC correlation Id along with request details.

  • Ability to further filter Users in ISC User Selection widget.

  • Ability to further filter Users in ISC User Selection 2 widget.

  • Multiple widget Options for ISC Access Object Selection including query filter

  • Multiple widget Options for ISC Access Object Selection 2 including query filter

  • Ability to select default operator in ISC Access Object Search widget

  • Ability to include attachment along with record producer request

  • Sample demo catalog for easy configuration during implementation.



Version 4.0 (Nov' 2024)

  • New UI /Re-Architecture - Widget Based User Interface.
    • Additional Request Pages
    • Record Producer based request page
  • All references to IdentityNow (IDN) have been updated to Identity Security Cloud (ISC), including the application name.

  • Additional localization support, including messages from ISC.

  • Enhanced handling of additional states in "Access Request Status."

  • Approval Flexibility - Extending approval logic to applications.

  • Setup Property to specify which logs to print, with options for debug, info, warn, and error (default is warn).

  • Setup Property - Native Search redirect page ID for use with custom pages.

  • Entitlements linked with role details.

Version 3.2 (May' 24) 

  • Integrate with global search.
  • Skip user selection for non-managers/non-admins
  • Recommendations with Ignore
  • SoD details in approval request ticket
  • Approval Flexibility for OAuth2 connections
  • Relating ServiceDesk ticket for raised Access Request.
  • Improved Approval Flexibility with Auto approval options and standardised REQ/RITM states 


Version 3.1 (Dec' 2023)



AWS is ending support for MySQL 5.7 and SailPoint is required to update our infrastructure to support this change.   Due to this change, the related non-beta/non-V3 APIs used by IdentitySecurityCloud are being deprecated by SailPoint.

Due to this deprecation, SailPoint’s ServiceNow Apps needs to make corresponding changes.  App versions 3.0 and prior will not be able to exchange data with IdentityNow and will not be able to perform its primary functionalities unless this is addressed. Thus, the new version 3.1 of ServiceNow Catalog for IdentityNow is being released to address this AWS request to no longer support MySQL 5.7. 

It will be mandatory that all customers upgrade to Version v3.1 before June 28, 2024,  irrespective of the information that was previously published in the SailPoint support calendar .  

Version 3.1

  • Upgraded API to comply with APIs being decommissioned.

  • Catalog App now supports the ability to search and request using the related Entitlement Owner.

  • Review existing access search query improvements related to special characters.


Version 3.0 (Sep' 2023)

  • Version 3.0

    • Comments field updates

      • Application administrators can configure the text of the default comment for access and review requests.

      • Administrators can leave the field blank to enforce the comment configuration setting from IdentityNow.

      • In addition to comment configuration, users now have the ability to provide a Global Comment that will copy over to all line items for access requests and revoke access requests.

    • Sunset Date field updates

      • The Sunset Date can be made mandatory for access requests by the administrator. Users can copy the Sunset Date to all line items using the Global Sunset Date functionality.

    • Ability to hide and reorder search output tabs

      • Administrators have the ability to hide and reorder the tabs in the search page. They have the flexibility to choose the order of how the Roles, Access Profiles, and Entitlements tabs will display. Additionally, they may hide one or two of these tabs.

    • Approval Flexibility improvements

      • Administrators have the ability to define default/generic approval definitions that can be applicable to all roles and access profiles. It is not necessary to define a separate rule for each of them.

      • The approval flow, for when the requester is the same as the approver, is determined by the IdentityNow settings for the IdentityNow Manager and the IdentityNow Owner approval types.

    • Usability updates.

      • Users can navigate and perform all operations on the SailPoint's catalog page using the keyboard. Standard keystrokes such as Tab, Shift+tab, Enter, Spacebar and Esc will help to navigate across various elements on the screen.

      • Users have the ability to sort the search results in ascending and descending order based on the name field.

Version 2.3.30 (May 2023)

  • Customizable Page Headers

    • Application administrators can configure page headers to offer guidance and instructions to users on the following pages: User search, Add access, Review existing access, and Review & Submit.

  • Request Revocation of Entitlements

    • Users can initiate requests for the removal of access rights that they no longer require or that are no longer necessary for their job function.

  • Language Internationalization

    • Pre-translated messages are available in English, French, and French Canadian with the option to extend internationalization to other languages by using out of box features of ServiceNow.

  • Improved search capabilities

    • Search results have been enhanced with the ability to search characters within a word. The ability to search using special characters has also been improved.

Version 2.3.29 and 2.3.28 (December 2022)

Approval flexibility - enables the configuration of  Approval Rules and arranges them in multiple levels (sequential and parallel). 

It also keeps the approval history in ServiceNow for audit and reporting purposes.

The following types of Approval Rules are supported:

  • ServiceNow User
  • ServiceNow Group
  • ServiceNow Role
  • ServiceNow Manager
  • ServiceNow Script
  • ServiceNow Workflow
  • ServiceNow Flow
  • IdentityNow Manager
  • IdentityNow Owner
  • IdentityNow Governance Group
  • IdentityNow Workflow

IdentityNow customers can refer here for further information.

Version 2.3.27 (November 2022)

Improved searching capabilities on Add Access Tab

  • Ability to search for ANY keywords
  • Ability to search for ALL keywords
  • Ability to search for EXACT match

Improvements on Review Existing Access Tab

  • Splitting related access objects by Roles, Access Profiles, and Entitlements
  • Server-side pagination introduced to overcome the 250 results IdentityNow limitation
  • Ability to see a user's related entitlements
  • Ability to see related non-revocable access object (Roles, Access Profiles and Entitlements), but not able to request them for removal
  • Ability to search for ANY keywords in the name or description (case sensitive)

Stabilization and UI improvements

Version 2.3.26 (August 2022) and

Version 2.3.25 (June 2022)

Introduced Entitlement Access Request functionality.

Added option to enable or disable the ability to search and request entitlements.

Added option to configure additional query for the the entitlement queries.

Introduced Separation of Duties functionality. Ability to configure at Admin level for checking any SoD violations. Hard check will not allow to submit while Soft check will allow to submit with a warning.

Added option to disable or control the sensitivity for the Separation of Duties functionality.

When requesting access, the requester should be the first listed person, regardless of alphabetical order.

Stabilization and bug fixes.



SailPoint's ServiceNow Service Catalog for IdentityIQ

Product Feature enhancements


To be planned

  • To be planned



Version 3.2 (January' 2025)

  • Performance Improvements for raising REQ post SUBMIT.

  • Ability to support SCOPING settings of IdentityIQ

    • Search results are displayed in tabbed order with flexibility to configure visibility and order

    • Also improves performance of fetching search results

Version 3.1 (July' 2024)

  • Integrate with global search.
  • Skip user selection for non-managers/non-admins
  • Relating ServiceDesk ticket for raised Access Request.
  • SoD details in approval request ticket
  • Ability to choose account while requesting access if a user has multiple associated accounts.

Version 3.0 (Sep 2023)

  • Comments field updates.
    • Application administrators can configure the comments field to be mandated while requesting access.
    • Users have the ability to provide Global Comment and it will be copied to all line items in the access request or revoke access
  • Usability updates.
    • Users can navigate and perform all operations on the SailPoint's catalog page using the keyboard. Standard keystrokes like Tab, Shift+tab, Enter, Spacebar and Esc will help to navigate across various elements on the screen.
    • Users have the ability to sort the search results in ascending and descending order based on the name field.
  • Approval Flexibility improvements
    • Admins can now configure approval rules based on these additional Approval types: IdentityIQ Identity or WorkGroup, IdentityIQ Security Officer, IdentityIQ Workflow.
    • Approval flow when requester is same as approver will be based on the settings on the Setup page.
    • ServiceNow approval details will get recorded along with IIQ side approvals in the access request interaction section.

Version 2.5.0 (July 2023)

  • Customizable Page Headers

    • Application administrators can configure page headers with HTML tag-based instructions to offer guidance and instructions to users on the following pages: User search, Add access, Review existing access, and Review & Submit. This new feature provides a more personalised and informative experience for users while they navigate through the application.

  • Language Internationalization

    • ServiceNow Service Catalog now supports language internationalization. The application comes with pre-translated messages in English, French, and French Canadian. To extend internationalization and include additional languages, you can create language-specific messages in the sys_ui_message table.



  • Approval Flexibility
    •  Enables the configuration of  Approval Rules and arranges them in multiple levels (sequential and parallel). 
    • Keeps the approval history in ServiceNow as well as IIQ for audit and reporting purposes.
    • Default Definitions applicable for all Entitlements and Roles.


Version 2.4.22 (February 2023)

Separation of Duties (SoD) Hard and Soft checks

  • Ability to configure at Admin level for checking for SoD violations. Hard Check will not allow to submit while Soft check will allow to submit with a warning

Search engine performance and scalability improvements

  • Introduce pagination to retrieve data for faster fetching of records

Stabilization and bug fixes

  • Improvement and fixing issues in the UI and user experience



SailPoint's ServiceNow Identity Governance Connector

Product Feature enhancements



Version 1.0.6 (December 2023)

(Doesn't require App upgrade)


The ServiceNow Identity Governance Connector can connect to SailPoint(both IdentityIQ and IdentitySecurityCloud) via OKTA OAuth 2.0 with Grant Type Client Credentials configuration in addition to Refresh Token Grant Type.


Version 1.0.6 (September 2023)

(Doesn't require App upgrade)

IdentitySecurityCloud users can now connect to ServiceNow securely without need of Virtual Appliance (VA) to perform aggregation and provisioning operations.

The SailPoint Identity Governance SaaS Connector for ServiceNow is an identity governance platform that provides visibility, control, and automation for the lifecycle of user access to applications and data.
It allows customers to load user account data from ServiceNow into IdentityNow without Virtual Appliance. Customers who are already using the VA based Identity Governance Connector for ServiceNow by creating the application on ServiceNow; and interested to use SaaS Connector option, the same application created on ServiceNow can be used for this connector.


 Connector Capabilities:
  • Account Aggregation
  • Get / Refresh Account
  • Delta Account Aggregation
  • Entitlement Aggregation (Manages ServiceNow Groups and Roles as Entitlements)
  • Create and Update Account Provisioning
  • Enable / Disable Account Provisioning
  • Unlock Account Provisioning
  • Change Account Password
  • Add Entitlement(s)
  • Access Certification


  More Information:

Version 1.0.6 (December 2022)

The SailPoint Identity Governance connector now supports the option to improve delta aggregation performance by selecting the Improve Delta Aggregation checkbox. This pulls information on the deleted events of a user’s connection from a custom table instead of the sys_audit_delete table.

IdentityNow customers can refer here for further information.

IdentityIQ customers can refer here for further information.



SailPoint's ServiceNow Service Desk

Product Feature enhancements



Version 1.2.0 (July 2024)

  • Relating ServiceDesk ticket for raised Access Request.
    • Applicable for
      • v3.2 of ServiceCatalog for IdentitySecurityCloud
      • v3.1 of ServiceCatalog for IIQ

Version 1.1.0 (April 2024)

  • Relating ServiceDesk ticket for raised Access Request.
    • Applicable for
      • v3.2 of ServiceCatalog for IdentitySecurityCloud


Version 1.0.8 (December 2023)

(Doesn't require App upgrade)


  • IdentitySecurityCloud customers can now create Incidents(INC) in addition to Request(REQ) and RequestItems (RITM) within ServiceNow.

Version 1.0.8 (March 2023)

The ServiceNow Service Desk Integration Module now populates the Access Request comment on the ServiceNow ticket.

IdentitySecurityCloud customers can refer here for further information.

IdentityIQ customers can refer here for further information.


Labels (1)

For Version 3.0 is there an integration guide?  I cannot find any update guides on Compass.

Yes, is there an upgrade guide available?

Hi @stacy_stough @edkmak @talbright 

Just a brief question about support within the latest version of 'SailPoint's ServiceNow Service Catalog for IdentityNow' integration, in terms of facilitating updates/changes to the out of the box workflow 'SP_SPNT_SNOW_INT_CreateSailpointAccessRequest' directly within ServiceNow using Flow Designer as opposed to using ServiceNow's Workflow Editor. This has a significant benefit with the creation of many complex approval workflows within ServiceNow and rolling out at scale. There could be something obvious I have overlooked, so if there is some information or advice or links you can provide that would be very welcome, but just to confirm we are fully intending to develop and implement approval workflows within ServiceNow and not IdentityNow, many thanks.

Can someone please indicate if this support will be provided in a new release or if it is already supported which release provides this capability, all suggestions, ideas, thoughts and links very welcome, many thanks.

Kind regards,


Hi @Kamesht can you please provide any insights into my last post, many thanks


The "Approval Flexibility" feature offers the flexibility to create customized workflows for handling complex approval scenarios. It enables the inclusion of both Flow and Workflow as part of the approval rules.

For further discussion, I suggest scheduling a call through your Customer Success Manager (CSM).


Thanks for coming back and replying to my question, useful information, thanks, so if I create a Flow using Flow Designer as opposed to Workflow Editor, you can confirm that I can associate trigger this workflow from the SailPoint's ServiceNow Service Catalog for IdentityNow connector.

I have read with great interest your 'Approval Felxibility' launch announcement back in 2022 although I have also read a Community Post in 2023 which was not responded to where 'Approval Flexibility' appeared to not be working as expected, can you please comment/feedback that these issues were resolved, many thanks.




It is recommended to submit a support ticket if any functionality is not working as expected. These types of issues require thorough investigation for resolution.

Any new feature requests can be submitted via the Ideas portal, which can be assisted by your CSM.

Is there any documentation available on the new "integrate with global search" capability in v3.2?

Is there more detailed information about the content of Version 4.0 (Nov' 2024)  Widgetization, option to request access via Record Producers or use them in custom portal pages?

Version history
Revision #:
58 of 58
Last update:
‎Mar 23, 2025 12:47 PM
Updated by: