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Workday SaaS Connector

Workday SaaS Connector

The SailPoint Workday SaaS Connector extends a deep level of management on your Workers, Contingent workers and Worker Accounts present in Workday HCM. It offers the seamless automation of your Joiner, Mover and Leaver use cases where you can manage the complete role base access control from single place with unlimited custom schema support.

The SailPoint Workday SaaS connector is developed through SaaS Platform Connectivity, which is next-generation pure SaaS Connectivity that doesn't require any Virtual Appliance (VA).

For IdentityIQ and IdentityNow Virtual Appliance based connectivity with Workday system, you can refer here.


Support Level: SailPoint Delivered

Connectors developed by SailPoint's Engineering team and supported under annual SailPoint support and maintenance. Reach out to SailPoint support for assistance.


Supported Use Cases

    • Full Account Aggregation
      • Aggregation of Workday worker records
      • Aggregation of records based on future hire, terminations, and onboarding events
      • Aggregation of Custom IDs
    • Get / Refresh Account
    • Additional Capabilities - Will be available soon 


Supported Versions

  • Workday API version 40.2


NOTE: The Workday SaaS connector uses Workday's SOAP API which is independent of the Workday system version, and is backward compatible.


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What is the difference between workday vs workday saas? key integration capabilites.

Hi @salam1,


I did a quick read of the supported features between the two connectors and I didn't see provisioning mentioned in the SaaS connector - only Account update.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Sep 21, 2023 12:40 AM
Updated by: