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File Access Manager Upgrade Guide to 8.4 

File Access Manager Upgrade Guide to 8.4 



I do not understand. Is it possible to install ElasticSearch 8.2.2 on the server that has the older version? I want to upgrade it, not to set up another server on which to install it.

I have followed the guide but after opening Server Installer I can choose between all of the servers but it. 

I would like to know if it is possible to install ElasticSearch 8.2.2 on the server that has the older version?
The main aim is to upgrade Elastick Search because it is needed in the 8.4 File Access Manager version.
The fact of installing a new server and install the new version of ELK on that server will lead in architecture and network communications modifications
Will it be possible to have a solution to upgrade only existing ElasticSearch wthout having to install a new server?
Thanks in advance,
Best regards

Hey Good Afternoon Everyone,


Just wanted to share a note on the upgrade. You can use the matrix below to see which Oracle/Open JDK is supported by Elasticsearch 8.2.2. in the case of 8.2.2 you can use (17 or 18). Also one thing, you may need to update JAVA_HOME to ES_JAVA_HOME, I found that this was needed as well.




Regarding to the additional server required for Elasticsearch upgrade from 8.3 to 8.4, and you cannot install Elasticsearch 8.2.2 on the server that has the older version...
This was needed to support both versions of Elasticsearch.  This was a restriction from Elasticsearch that indices from old version 5.1.1 cannot be migrated to 8.2.2. So, Engineering decided to have a separate instance for Elasticsearch and support both old and new instances until customers transition to the new one completely (depending on their activity retention period). You might know already that the latest Elasticsearch 8.2.2 supports clustering which provides high availability to Elasticsearch.


Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Mar 31, 2023 09:12 AM
Updated by: