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Assign role without provisioning to target system

Assign role without provisioning to target system

I had scenario where I wanted to provision the business role but not provision entitlements to the target system. This can be done very easily by setting argument noRoleExpansion to true while compiling the provisioning plan.


In a workflow,


<Step action="call:compileProvisioningProject" icon="Task" name="Compile Project" posX="121" posY="15" resultVariable="project">

    <Arg name="identityName" value="ref:identityName"/>

    <Arg name="plan" value="ref:plan"/>


   <Arg name="noRoleExpansion " value="true"/>   





In a rule,


Provisioner prov = new Provisioner(context);


ProvisioningProject proj = prov.compile(plan);

Labels (1)

This worked for me!


thank you!

what about if it's an entitlement? will this work still?

Thanks in advance.


If it is an entitlement there is no further expansion so it would provision as normal.

what about if Business role provision two IT role for Type A user but for Type B i want only one IT role provisioning?

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 28, 2023 06:18 PM
Updated by: