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Customizing forward to suggestions for work item forwarding

Customizing forward to suggestions for work item forwarding




Hi all,

SailPoint is very popular for availing customization of it according to individuals requirement. Here I am writing the blog to describe the process to customize the forward to suggestion box.



There is a requirement for customizing the identity suggestions in forward to of work item forwarding page. According to DOC - 1324, if we are creating a map in IdentitySelectorConfiguration and adding the same to owner identity filter, then it will reflect everywhere. In my case, it should only occur for work item forwarding.



    Open the configuration object in debug and search for "IdentitySelectorConfiguration". Create a custom entry like below.

<entry key="Manager">


                <IdentityFilter name="Manager" order="Ascending">




                        <Filter operation="EQ" property="managerStatus">

















As we know, the IdentityFilter name is referred in javascript files for populating the suggestions, we need to change the same in workitem.js.

Now, you will be able to see only managers in the suggestion box of work item forwarding.




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Very good article sir

This works up to IIQ 7.2.

For IIQ 7.3 with the new Work Item List user interface, changing the js file will no longer work.  But you can simply create an entry in IdentitySelectorConfiguration with the key"ownerNameSuggestBoxWorkItemListForward" will achieve the same behavior without modifying js.

Its helpful post !

Hi  @thankhar_chin


as per your suggestion should I write as below? in Identity Selector config


<entry key="ownerNameSuggestBoxWorkItemListForward">
<IdentityFilter name="ownerNameSuggestBoxWorkItemListForward" order="Ascending">
<Filter operation="EQ" property="managerStatus">

@manideep595 .  Yes.  



we have scoping model set for each identity in our env, if I Add above in our Identity configuration I dont see any user;s in forward to users 



but if i Set can access assign scope to true, this user;s can see the user;s under this chain/same scope to forward the workitem,please can you suggest how to handle if we have scopes in env

As my requirement was to display only direct reports, I was facing some issue;s for some user;s if I follow above approach 

Where exactly in the IdentitySelectorConfiguration object did you place this entry?

I've tried, and it doesn't do anything for me.  Or do I need to restart IIQ in order for it to take effect?

I manged to have the drop down list change in the forwarding pop up via the IdentitySelectorConfiguration configuration. Is there way to change to for a particular type of workitems or customise the a message return to the pop up box.

i'm also trying to filter forwarding so user cant forward to anyone they want , i added to IdentitySelectorConfiguration  suggested solution above but nothing happen, can u help?

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2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 14, 2023 08:57 PM
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