In order to use the data export functionality, an administrator must first click on the button available in the Data Export Task that provides the schema creation SQL statements in a pop-up window. The administrator then copy-pastes the SQL DDL lines and perhaps makes edits to match the statements to the target DB environment. IdentityIQ 6.0 introduces another table to be exported. Along with the table creation statement is an index creation statement that redundantly creates an index on the primary key column. The Oracle and DB2 SQL parsers correctly call the DBA's attention to these shenanigans with the following error messages:
create index identityiq.sptr_idx_ident_score_id on
sailpointGA60.sptr_identity_scorecard (id)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
create index sptr_idx_ident_score_id on identityiq.sptr_identity_scorecard (id)
SQL0605W The index was not created because an index
"SYSIBM.SQL120928005918310" with a matching definition already exists.
In both scenarios, the error may be ignored. To avoid any confusion, however, this create index line is removed from the product via IIQ 6.0p1 and later patches.
ETN 13992