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Date and time formats in the IdentityIQ UI

Date and time formats in the IdentityIQ UI




In several places in IdentityIQ dates and times are displayed. The way that these are displayed depend on the locale settings provided by the browser.


Locale control

Depending on your browser settings, it will send a header with your preferred languages for each request:


Accept-Language: nl-NL,nl;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3


In the above line, you see that my preferred language is Dutch (nl-NL or nl), with US English second, generic English as the last option. So, if available, a website will try to serve me content in Dutch and otherwise use English.


These language settings can be controlled in your browser, or some browsers like Internet Explorer, use the operating system's settings. For testing, I often use a nice little add-on for Firefox (Quick Locale Switcher) that allows me to switch between several languages.


If I change languages and reload the page, the IdentityIQ interface languages will change immediately.


Date and time format

These locale/language settings are also used by IdentityIQ to format dates and times. For US English, it would display the time for ten minutes past ten, in the evening as "10:10 pm", while for Dutch it would be in 24 hour format "22:10". If I use the language switcher, the date and time formats will however not be affected immediately. I need to log out and log back in. Just after successful login, IdentityIQ will determine the locale settings and use these for formatting date and time, throughout the session.


So, when I logged in while my browser setting was set to US English, dates and times are formatted the American way:




If I log out, switch to Dutch and log back in, it will look different:



Or German, with dots to separate the date components:



Note that a far as I can see, it will only work for languages that are supported by IdentityIQ.

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Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 14, 2023 08:55 PM
Updated by: