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Documenting all workflows and subprocesses

Documenting all workflows and subprocesses

I wrote a rule that lists all of the workflows in the system and the subprocesses used by them. This rule uses recursion (yes, that old computer science trick) to start at the top of a workflow and then dig down through it to document all the subprocesses used.


The output looks like this:


Workflow: Lifecycle Event - Manager Approval for all native changes

        LCM Provisioning

                Identity Request Initialize

                        Identity Request Violation Review

                        Do Provisioning Forms

                Manage Ticket

                        Provision with retries

                Identity Request Approve

                Manage Ticket

                        Provision with retries

                Identity Request Provision

                        Do Provisioning Forms

                        Provision with retries

                        Check Status of queued items

                Manage Ticket

                        Provision with retries

                Identity Request Notify

                Identity Request Finalize

                        Manage Ticket

                                Provision with retries

        Identity Request Finalize

                Manage Ticket

                        Provision with retries


The Rule is attached to this post.

Labels (1)

Hello Chris,

If you have a document Could you please share  list of  all workflows ans its descriptions too.

Thanks Ravi.

See the following onlne white papers: Lifecycle Manager Workflows​ and LCM Subprocess Workflows​ for detailed documentation on all the Out of the Box workflows.

Has this rule been tested and verified to work?

Yes.  We have run this rule against our training VMs and it works.

I just ran it in my 7.0p2 instance. It ran fine.

There are places where this code does not do null checks so it's possible that for certain workflows it could blow up. This was meant for instructional and information purposes so not every defensive programming precaution was taken.

I just tried executing this rule on our 7.1p1 system, and get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred: java.lang.Exception: Rule [8a8cad7f5d227dde015d2dd22354097a] did not return any status.

Is there something special in the rule that needs to be tweeked?




I'm trying to configure only the reminder notifications and not the escalation notifications. Below are the arguments that I'm passing in the approval step. Here the workItem type is 'Form

<Step icon="Approval" name="Approval Level1">
<Approval mode="any" name="Owner Approval" owner="ref:approver" return="formModel" send="formModel,workflow,requester">
<Arg name="launcher" value="ref:launcher"/>
<Arg name="identityName" value="ref:requester"/>
<Arg name="workItemType" value="Form"/>
<Arg name="workItemNotificationTemplate" value="ref:workItemNotificationTemplate"/>
<Arg name="workItemForm" value="ref:approvalForm"/>
<Arg name="workItemFormBasePath" value="formModel"/>
<Arg name="workItemDescription" value="ref:workItemDescription"/>
<Arg name="workItemEscalationRule" value=""/>
<Arg name="workItemEscalationTemplate" value=""/>
<Arg name="workItemHoursTillEscalation" value=""/>
<Arg name="workItemMaxReminders" value="ref:workItemMaxReminders"/>
<Arg name="workItemEscalationFrequency" value=""/>
<Arg name="workItemHoursBetweenReminders" value="24"/>
<Arg name="workItemHoursTillExpiration" value="196"/>
<Arg name="workItemIdentityRequestId" value="ref:identityRequestId"/>
<Arg name="workItemReminderTemplate" value="ref:workItemReminderTemplate"/>
<Arg name="workItemRequester" value="ref:requester"/>

Note: No ReminderCount set in the workItem. Able to get the NotificationConfig entry in the workItem.

Anything that I'm missing out?

Thanks in Advance !!

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 31, 2023 06:33 PM
Updated by: