Emailing workitem comments after workflow approval step
In IIQ 4.x, 5.x releases, workflows can email workitem's comments after an approval step.
The workflow logic copies workitem comments to the "workItemComments" variable.
The target workflow needs to define/to pass the "workItemComments" variable
to the email template, as demonstrated in this code fragment:
<Workflow ...>
<Variable name="workItemComments"/>
<Step action="call:sendEmail" icon="Email" name="Send Rejected Email">
<Arg name="template" value="myDummy Role Rejection Notice"/>
<Arg name="lastWorkItemComment" value="ref:workItemComments"/>
<Transition to="Audit Failure"/>
The email template then treats the variable as a list-type arg.
Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
Aug 11, 2023
08:16 PM
Updated by: