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How do I add inactive, service, and privilege flags into the Data Export task?

How do I add inactive, service, and privilege flags into the Data Export task?

After configuring all the extended attributes, run the following iiq command from a command prompt:

$sphome/WEB-INF/bin>iiq exportschema

ThIs will create the new data export scripts for the table creation under this directory $sphome/ WEB-INF/database/dataExport

Export schema written to $sphome/WEB-INF/database/dataExport/create_data_export_tables.mysql
Export schema written to $sphome /WEB-INF/database/dataExport/
Export schema written to $sphome /WEB-INF/database/dataExport/create_data_export_tables.sqlserver
Export schema written to $sphome/WEB-INF/database/dataExport/create_data_export_tables.db2

Use these scripts to create the new tables for your particular database.


Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Feb 15, 2023 08:46 PM
Updated by: