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How "detect deleted" works in full aggregation?

How "detect deleted" works in full aggregation?

  • This is for full aggregation with "Detect Deleted" checked in its task definition. For Delta aggregation, "Detect Deleted" will be ignored;

  • The delete phase always happens after the primary aggregate phase during a aggregation;
  • In the primary aggregate phase, no matter the optimization option is enabled or not, accounts that exist in source will always have their last refresh timestamp updated;


  • When the aggregation starts, it gets the current timestamp ( Date startTimestamp = new Date() ) and when it gets to the delete phase, it does the comparison as below:
  1. select *  
  2. from spt_link  
  3. where (last_refresh < startTimestamp  or last_refresh isnull) and
  4. created < startTimestamp and
  5. application = "source app"


Hope this helps with your understanding of how should-be-deleted accounts are detected.

For more details on aggregation workflow, please see Aggregation Data Flow.pdf

Labels (1)

How can we do this with delta.  The source always returns all records, but we check delta to eliminate redundant refreshes.   If I could also get deletes to work this way it would prevent creating another task for deletes. 

is there any way to intercept these records to be deleted and set a flag instead? If so, in which rule?

Hi shikida, were you able to find a solution to intercept deleting records?

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Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 25, 2023 06:21 PM
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