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How to correct occasional blank task result pages

How to correct occasional blank task result pages

A third-party JAR file has been shown to be at the root of the blank task result pages that some clients are experiencing. We have done a thorough review of the code in question with Engineering and have found that if you are attempting to view Task Results and sporadically see a blank page returned, you should look into your IdentityIQ logs to see what error you are receiving. The issue stems from the file: jasperreports-javaflow-4.5.0.jar and is due to methods used in the parsing within the jar. If you see the following lines in your logs:


2013-01-23 10:32:43,303 ERROR org.apache.commons.digester.Digester(4):1538 - Parse Error at line 22 column 29: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'jasperReport'.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'jasperReport'.


Then you should consider using the workaround herein described to correct the issue in your instance:

1) Copy the jasperreports-javaflow-4.5.0.jar file out to a temporary location where we can unjar and modify the contents. It is located in the $iiq_home/WEB-INF/lib/directory.

2) Unjar that file into a temp directory, open the file:

3) Locate the line:


4) Modify the line to read "false" like so:



This will resolve the "blank white page" issue for you. You will then need to re-jar the file, replace this into your build and re-deploy (following the correct methodology) or you could simply re-jar and copy in your Development environment, depending on your preference for testing. As always, we recommend following proper Change Management procedures within your environments. That will correct the error and is confirmed as ETN # 15766. At present, there is no release target for this issue.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jun 06, 2023 09:15 PM
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