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Identify exception entitlements shared by all members of same role

Identify exception entitlements shared by all members of same role


New Role Members or role owners or leaders report they do not have all the access they need, after role is provided/provisioned.



Roles do not fully provide new members all the access they need.



Review all members and their shared exception entitlements, for all members.


This can be accomplished by running the below query in a NON-PROD IIQ Database environment, that is typically a daily copy of PROD database. Once you have ran the below, you can send the results to the role owners to see if additional access should be added to their Role(s). You can add a filter on bundle.type if needed



[YourDatabaseName] as [AssignedAP]
,[YourDatabaseName].spt_role_scorecard.members AS [APMemberCount]
,[YourDatabaseName] as [type]
,count ([YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_entitlement.value) as [MemberExceptionCount]
,[YourDatabaseName] as [application]
,[Owner].name as [RoleOwner]
,[Owner].email as [RoleOwnerEmail]

FROM [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_entitlement
Left Join [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity
ON [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_entitlement.identity_id = [YourDatabaseName]
left join [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_assigned_roles on [YourDatabaseName] = [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_assigned_roles.identity_id
left join [YourDatabaseName].spt_bundle on [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_assigned_roles.bundle = [YourDatabaseName] and [YourDatabaseName].spt_bundle.type = 'enterprise'
LEFT JOIN [YourDatabaseName].spt_role_scorecard ON [iam_prod].[spt_bundle].ID = [YourDatabaseName].spt_role_scorecard.role_id
left join [YourDatabaseName].spt_application on [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_entitlement.application = [YourDatabaseName]
left join [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity AS [Owner] on [YourDatabaseName].spt_bundle.owner = [Owner].id
WHERE [YourDatabaseName].spt_identity_entitlement.granted_by_role = '0'
and [YourDatabaseName] is not null
and [YourDatabaseName] is not null


Group by [YourDatabaseName]
,[Owner].name as [RoleOwner]
,[Owner].email as [RoleOwnerEmail]


) AS temp WHERE [MemberExceptionCount] = [APMemberCount]

Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Jul 28, 2023 02:05 AM
Updated by: