Lifecycle manager (LCM) affinity search.docx
Guidance for the Affinity Search features and options available during Lifecycle Manager enabled Access Request interactions.
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Hi Tim,
I'm looking at this (great doc), and trying this out in 7.1 in a test region.. What's odd is that I believe I have all the right options based on the user doc and your checked but I don't seem to get any results in the dropdowns for Find Users Access or Filter Population options. Just curious if there's something obvious I'm missing.
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This is a great documentation.
I have a requirement where i want to set search by population as a default filter. Can this be done?
Like when I select a user and go to Manage Access.
search By population and then department should be default applied as a filter.
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In Lifecycle Manager configuration settings, check that you have enabled related options:
Enable Full Text Search, consider using automatic refresh with a refresh interval set (Alternate: run Task named Full Text Index Refresh)
Enable Searching by Population
Enable Searching by Identity
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Aakanksha, this is a challenging requirement! I did some research into this, but it goes beyond my current skills in xhtml/javascript/angular. Here's a directly you can pursue. Look at the AccessRequestAppBundle.js and find the line below. I believe this is where the control is being set for the menu selection (Filter Population) page display.
aIn the addAccess.xhtml file you will find this content, which appears to use the controls fed from above. Somewhere in these area your requirement to force this menu selection as the default will need to be set.
<span class="input-group-btn hidden-xs" ng-if="itemsCtrl.isIdentitySearchAllowed() || itemsCtrl.isPopulationSearchAllowed()"> | |
<sp-access-request-search-type-button sp-controller="itemsCtrl" sp-button-id="accessSearchTypeButtonKeyword" sp-button-class="btn btn-white"></sp-access-request-search-type-button> | |
</span> |
You might consider taking this question to Compass to get a bigger audience involved if you are not able to solve it yourself. I would encourage you to post your solution here once solved.