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Periodic certification

Periodic certification

Period certification

Periodic certifications are scheduled to run on a periodic basis, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. These periodic certifications provide a snapshot view of the identities, roles, and account groups within your enterprise. Periodic certifications focus on the frequency with which entire entities (identities, roles, account groups) must be certified.

Periodic certifications require the certifier to sign off on a completed certification, a certification in which all of the items (roles, entitlements, violations, account groups) have been acted upon, and to confirm those decisions.

Periodic certifications can also be created using a multi-level sign-off structure enabling certifications to be reviewed by multiple certifiers before they are considered complete. For example, a certification might be created for the direct reports of a business manager who knows his employees, but might not be familiar with the accounts and permissions on each application to which they have access. When the business manager makes his decisions and signs off on the certification it could be forwarded to the owner of an application to which the employees have access so they can review the decisions and make changes if necessary.

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Revision #:
6 of 6
Last update:
‎Jun 03, 2023 01:25 AM
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