Restoring IIQ mySQL database content: Beware of case sensitivity
Dumping the entire mySQL database content with tools like mySQL WorkBench is a convenient way to take a snapshot of a IIQ deployment for later use.
Those of you who are using these dumps across different VMs and platforms may get obscure errors during import, e.g :
ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 147: Can't create table 'identityiq.qrtz221_blob_triggers' (errno: 121)
This may happen when you try to reimport a dump created on a windows system to a Linux database. As you may know, many mySQL objects are mapped to files.Triggers also correspond to files. This impacts the case sensitivity of database names. Consequently, the case sensitivity of the underlying operating system plays a part in the case sensitivity of database, table, and trigger names. This means such names are not case sensitive in Windows, but are case sensitive in most varieties of Unix.
The IIQ Quartz scheduler expects its tables name to be in upper cases, e.g QRTZ221_BLOB_TRIGGER. However a database dump generated on a Windows system may contain Quartz table names in lower case, causing weird errors during import.
So make sure those tables starting with qrtz are in upper case in the dump file and rename them before import if needed.