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Separating object types via LDIF connector

Separating object types via LDIF connector

It is possible to set up a LDIF connector to split a single LDIF file's entries into two types (i.e. account type and group type) in IdentityIQ.


You can define separate filter attributes for these two types (ex: account type and group type) on your LDIF application doing the following:


From the debug pages, add these to your application object:


<entry key="account.filterString" value="!objectClass.containsIgnoreCase("user")"/>
<entry key="group.filterString" value="!objectClass.containsIgnoreCase("group")"/>


The "account" filter will be used during account aggregation, and the "group" filter will be used during group aggregation.

Labels (1)

ntry key="account.filterString" value="objectClass.containsIgnoreCase(&quot;user&quot;)"/>

But the above is unable to differentiate the types. Anything elsewe need to add?

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Feb 17, 2023 11:00 AM
Updated by: