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Setting the HostName property within Tomcat

Setting the HostName property within Tomcat

If you ever need to change your host name as defined by IdentityIQ, it's important to understand that we get this value by using the following path:


  1. Use the java system property named: iiq.hostname which can be set by adding the following option when starting the JVM associated with your app server:
  2. If iiq.hostname does not exist, we get and InetAddress object using the static call InetAddress.getLocalHost() and use that to get the hostname using the getHostName() method on the InetAddress object.


Note that this setting has implications in the following (non-inclusive) places in the product:

  1. Hostname listed on the about page under Debug
  2. Hostname listed when running the about command in the console
  3. Hostname used to create the ServiceDefinition objects
  4. Hostnames listed on the Host Configuration page under System Setup
  5. Hostnames used for the server column of the Syslog page in Advanced Analytics
  6. Hostname used in log4j output
  7. Any many other places as well
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Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 25, 2023 06:57 PM
Updated by: