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Tags - Where is the certification tag value stored in the database?

Tags - Where is the certification tag value stored in the database?

There are several places to grab the full complement of the "certification tag value" used at the time of the Certification Scheduling from within the IdentityIQ database.


The "name" value associated to a tag, the literal string value associated to a tag, can be found in the spt_tag table in the filed "name". If your tag used for a Certification was "Seaboard Policy Review" then that literal string would be found in the "name" column in the spt_tag table.


Also within that table is the GUID or globally unique identity for that particular tag in the "id" column. This cross-references to the "elt" column of the spt_certification_tags table which references the GUIDs of the Certifications that contain that tag in the "certification_id" column, and the "elt" column in the spt_certification_def_tags column which provides the GUID of the Certification Group Definition (every certification created under the certification schedule) in the "cert_def_id" column.


All of this information should be readily visible within a Database administration tool provided that you have proper access to view and access the tables created therein. Using this information, you can create views or queries around such information as required.

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Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎May 31, 2023 01:42 PM
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