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What are the EmailTemplate arguments

What are the EmailTemplate arguments



Below are details of the email templates that the system generates and their arguments. This may not be exhaustive. However, it does cover the more common notifications (reminders, remediation, and certification). The format is that of:

[Class type]: [argument name] - description

Where the class type is the type of object this argument is. Usually they are String objects. However, some objects are SailPoint top level objects that can be leveraged for additional information by referring to their respective public methods.

The argument name is the literal name of the argument passed into the email template. Velocity is case sensitive so you need to adhere to the case specified.


EmailTemplate arguments

Remediation notification

Remediation Notification - Notifies an individual of a remediation they must complete.
WorkItem: workItem - The WorkItem owned by the individual
String: workItemName - Name of the WorkItem
String: comments - Comments currently on the WorkItem
String: requesterName - Original requester of this WorkItem


Challenge notification

Challenge Notification - Notifies the recipient of a revoked item they are assigned to that they may challenge.
CertificationItem: challengeItem - CertificationItem (usually an entitlement) that the recipient was revoked of.
String: timeRemaining - The time remaining (down to the hour) the recipient has to make a challenge.
String: challengeId - The challenge work item's id.
Certification: certification - The certification object the challengeItem originates from.
String: certificationName - Name of the certification the challengeItem originates from.


Challenged notification

Challenged Notification - Notifies a certifier of a user's challenge of a revoked item.
CertificationItem: challengeItem - Revoked CertificationItem (usually an entitlement) that the was challenged.
Certification: certification - The Certification object the challengeItem originates from.
String: certificationName - Name of the certification the challengeItem originates from.


Challenge period expired

Challenge Period Expired - Notifies an individual that the challenge period has expired and no further challenges may be made.
CertificationItem: challengeItem - Revoked CertificationItem (usually an entitlement).
Certification: certification - The Certification object the challengeItem originates from.
String: certificationName - Name of the certification the challengeItem originates from.


Challenge phase end

Challenge Phase End - Notifies the certifier that the challenge phase has ended and they can now sign off.
Certification: certification - Their certification.
String: certificationName - Name of their certification.


Challenge phase begin

Challenge Phase Begin - Notifies the certifier that the challenge phase has begun.
Certification: certification - Their certification.
String: certificationName - Name of their certification.


Active phase begin

Active Phase Begin - Notifies a certification owner of a new certification.
Certification: certification - Their new certification.
String: workItemName - Name of the inbox item for this certification.


Delegation notification

Delegation Notification - Notifies a delegate of a new certification item.
Certification: certification - The certification the delegated item originates from.
String: workItemName - Name of the delegation work item.
String: comments - Comments passed along with this delegation.
String: requesterName - First and last name of the requester


Sign off approval

Sign Off Approval - Notification to the approver of a signed off certification.
Certification: certification - The signed off Certification object requiring approval.
WorkItem: workitem - The WorkItem object for this approval.
Identity: certifier - The Identity object of the certifier.
Identity: approver - The Identity object of the approver.


WorkItem reminder

WorkItem Reminder - Reminder notification of a work item.
WorkItem: item - The work item that still needs action.
String: ItemName - The name of the work item that still needs action.
String: Owner - The name of the owner of the work item.
String: ordinalNumReminders - Integer value indicating which reminder this is (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
Date: oldDueDate - The date the reminder was generated.
Date: newDueDate - The date the next reminder will be sent (or when the item will escalate).
String: remindersRemaining - The number of reminders remaining before the item will escalate.
Date: Expiration - The date this work item expires.


Bulk Reassignment Notification - Notifies individuals during a reassignment (and delegation)
String: certificationName - The name of the Certification
Certification: certification - The Certification object being reassigned
String: comments - The comments provided during the reassignment
String: description - The description provided during the reassignment
String: numNewIdentities - The number of new Identities added (reassignments may result in existing certifications being rolled into)
String: requesterName - The name of the requester

Labels (1)

I am trying to use "Remediation Notification" template. Although the email is generated and the item does appear in the email, but each revoked item is generated in individual emails even though these multiple cert items are for the same identity. In other words, one identity with multiple  revoked items is receiving multiple emails.

Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Aug 01, 2023 10:01 PM
Updated by: