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How to: Register and log in

How to: Register and log in

If you encounter any problems or have questions about the Compass login process, please contact



Registering as a new Compass user

1. Go to and click Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

2. Select No account? Register now!

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png

3. Review the SailPoint Terms of Service and select I Accept and Continue to follow through on creating a new account.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

4. Fill in the required fields and click Submit.

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Username
      • Username should be between 2-21 characters, and begin and end with a number or letter
      • Supported characters include ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, and dash
      • Unicode characters are not supported
    • Email address
    • Password requirements
      • No more than 2 repeated characters
      • 5 unique characters
      • Minimum of 8 characters
      • 1 special character
      • 1 number
      • 1 uppercase character
      • 1 lowercase character
    • Verify password

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png

5. Follow the prompt to verify your email address.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

6. Enter the verification code that was sent to your email address and select Verify.

Note: If you do not see the verification email in a few minutes, please check your junk mail or spam folder. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please contact your company's IT team and add the domain to your white list.

7. You are now registered and signed in.

Note: Check out the SailPoint directory and try it out! If you need assistance at any point during the process, please contact


Logging in to Compass as a returning user

1. Head to and click Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png

2. Enter your email for your SailPoint Single Access Account and click Submit.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.png

 3. Enter your current password for your SailPoint Single Access Account and click Sign On.

Tutorial Screenshot #8.png

4. Update your password to meet all of the following requirements:

    • No more than 2 repeated characters
    • 5 unique characters
    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • 1 special character
    • 1 number
    • 1 uppercase character
    • 1 lowercase character

Note: If you do not see the verification email in a few minutes, please check your junk mail or spam folder. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please contact your company's IT team and add the domain to your whitelist.

Tutorial Screenshot #9.png

5. Click Save when you are finished.

Note: You will still need to sign in to view content from other sites, but you will not be required to enter your credentials again.


Resetting your password

1. Go to and click Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

2. Enter your email for your SailPoint Single Access Account and click Submit.

Tutorial Screenshot #10.png

3. Select Forgot Password.

Tutorial Screenshot #11.png

4. Follow the directions on the prompt to set a new password which must meet the following requirements:

    • Differs from current password
    • No more than 2 repeated characters
    • 5 unique characters
    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • 1 special character
    • 1 number
    • 1 uppercase character
    • 1 lowercase character

Tutorial Screenshot #12.png

5. Click Save when you are finished.

Note: If you do not see the verification email in a few minutes, please check your junk mail or spam folder. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please contact your company's IT team and add the domain to your white list.


Updating your personal information

To update your personal information for the items listed below, please contact

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Email address
  4. Username


Frequently asked questions

What is SailPoint's Single Access Account?

SailPoint's Single Access Account is a single sign-on (SSO) solution that allows users to securely and seamlessly access all of SailPoint's portals using just one set of login credentials.


I forgot my password and I think my email is outdated, who can I contact for assistance?

Contact us at


I did not receive an email with a verification or recovery code, what should I do next?

Check your email rules, spam, junk, and quarantine folders and filters. If you still do not see the email in your inbox, please contact your company's IT team and add the domain to your white list.


My permissions in Compass seem wrong, who should I contact to resolve this issue?

If you have any issues with Compass, please reach out to


I have multiple accounts that I use for SailPoint’s websites, will this affect how I log in?

Since SailPoint's Single Access Account saves information to provide a seamless experience, users with multiple accounts may need to use an incognito or a dedicated browser in order to access specific profiles. 


Do I still need to sign in to the other websites listed in the SailPoint Directory?

You will still need to sign in to view content from other portals and websites, but you will not be required to enter your credentials again.

Version history
Revision #:
66 of 66
Last update:
‎Jun 24, 2024 04:12 AM
Updated by: