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How to: Create a signature

How to: Create a signature


Accessing the signature page

1. Begin by clicking on your avatar in the upper-right corner, then select My settings.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

2. Select Personal Information, located below the Preferences tab.

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png


Editing your signature

Forum signatures are an efficient way to automatically create a personalized message at the end of each post. Please note that you cannot update your first name and last name. If you need to make changes, please contact

1. Begin by clicking on your avatar in the upper-right corner, then choose My settings, followed by Personal Information.

2. Scroll down to the Signature section, then type your message in the text box.

Note: You can use HTML to customize the text's format.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

3. Once you have finished creating your signature, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. Your customized message will now automatically appear at the bottom of all your posts.

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png

Share a favorite quote, your job title and company, or include helpful information. If you answer questions regularly, consider setting a signature that reminds other community members to give kudos and accept solutions.


Example of a forum signature

As a community moderator, I find it helpful to remind other users to accept solutions, give kudos to content, and view the Compass Community tutorials. Below is an example of my signature, which includes the HTML code.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

The image below demonstrates how my signature appears at the bottom of all my posts.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png


When creating your signature, please be courteous of other community members, otherwise you may be reported to the moderator for inappropriate use of this feature.


Interested in learning more about managing your preferences? Check out the How to: Manage preferences article.

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Version history
Revision #:
24 of 24
Last update:
‎Jun 28, 2024 08:34 PM
Updated by: