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How to: Search

How to: Search

If you have any questions about Compass's search, please send us a message at




The search feature pulls in results from all content in the Compass Community, including wikis, forums, events, and more. Read this tutorial to learn how to filter and refine your search to find exactly what you're looking for.


Search bar

Start your search here. The search bar is available on every page, but you can also bookmark the Search page for direct access.

Tutorial Screenshot #0.png



As you type into the search bar, suggestions for your search term will appear. You can scroll through and select a relevant suggestion, or click the magnifying glass icon to proceed with your search phrase.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png


Search page

Here is a complete breakdown of the features on the full Search page. 

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png

# Feature Description


Search Bar

Use this field to enter your search phrase. Avoid punctuation and non-essential filler words, as the search is not case-sensitive.


Content Sources

The search page defaults to all content in Compass. You can select the "Places" tab to view content from specific boards in the community. 



Choose one or more filters to scope your results from location to the type of post. You can also remove a filter by clicking the "X" button.



These are your search results. Key words from your search phrase are in bold.


Advanced Search

Use this option to search for an exact phrase with one or more words and to exclude certain words. You can also adjust how your results are displayed and control the number of results shown per page.


Search Options

Click this option to subscribe to the RSS feed for a particular search phrase.


Sorted by

Sort your results by best match, replies, kudos, views, or date.


Advanced search

There are multiple ways to refine your search.

1. To start, click on Advanced located to the left of Search Options.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

2. Determine how you want to refine your search terms either with the exact phrase, with one or more words, without certain words, or all three.

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png

3. You can even change how you can view your results by.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

4. You can also change the number of search results per page up to a maximum of 50.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png

5. Once you have determined your search modifiers, click the magnifying glass icon to generate a more narrow search results page.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.png



You can filter results to show areas relevant to you in several ways.

1. To get started, use the tabs located above the search results.

Tutorial Screenshot #8.png

2. Filter by Location to specify which boards in the community you would like to pull your search results from.

Tutorial Screenshot #9.png

3. You can also choose to search by specific Labels in the community.

Tutorial Screenshot #10.png

4. Only interested in seeing topics with solutions? Click on Metadata and then check mark the Solved filter.

Tutorial Screenshot #11.png

5. Other filters include Author, Date, Type of Post, and Contains. You can use as many filters as you want to generate a refined search results page.

Tutorial Screenshot #12.png


Sorting results

You can sort your search results in a couple different ways.

1. To start, click on the current sort order option next to Sorted By

Tutorial Screenshot #13.png

2. Choose your preferred sort order option, and the search results page will update automatically.

Tutorial Screenshot #14.png


Interested in sending your feedback about Compass's features and documentation? Read the How to: Submit feedback article.
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Version history
Revision #:
36 of 36
Last update:
‎Sep 17, 2024 08:16 PM
Updated by: