The identity list is comprised of all identities containing roles, entitlements and policy violations that are part of this certification.
Use the options at the bottom right of the table to export this list to a Microsoft Excel Worksheet, open the Identity List view, or change the way the entitlement descriptions display. The Microsoft Excel Worksheet is not connected to IdentityIQ and actions taken there are not reflected in the product.
Do one of the following:
Note: The certification pages are configurable for each implementation of IdentityIQ. Your screen might not display the information in this table.
Use the selection boxes to select an identity, or multiple identities, and select the appropriate action from the Select Bulk Action drop-down list at the bottom of the page. A user cannot certify themselves unless self certification is enabled during configuration.
Use the multi-select box at the top of the column to select multiple items at one time.
Note: This column is not displayed if the certification has already been signed-off on, or if you are not the certification owner.
Note: Bulk action is only available if configured for your enterprise.
Note: When you use the selection box to select and approve an identity's access information, all entitlements for that identity are approved for all roles and applications. Policy Violations are not approved.
The distinguishing identifier for this user as derived from the identity authoritative source, for example an employee number.
The first name associated with the identity that requires certification.
The last name associated with the identity that requires certification.
The current state of the item in the continuous certification life cycle (certified, certification required, or overdue). The date displayed is the date at which the item will move to the next state.
The status of the certification for the specific identity. Possible statuses are:
Note: The Waiting Review status is dependent on IdentityIQ being configured to require reviews of all delegated certification requests.
Changes detected
A list of the actions you can perform on multiple identities at one time. The items that appear in this list are dependent on system settings defined during product configuration. The bulk actions correspond to the actions available for individual identities. Bulk actions overwrite your ability to add missing required roles to the roles being certified.