Dockerization of IdentityIQ
Hi Sailors,
I want to show you guys how I use docker for IdentityIQ. You only need to follow the first steps (since my environment is different), but this should be able to help you build a docker environment for your IdentityIQ. So, let's start:
For the first step, we should determine at a minimum of what we need:
- Tomcat (version 8.5.42)
- Database MySQL (version 5.7.26)
For the second step, we should determine how to use docker:
- Build all stuff in a one container (slow (need to install all stuff) and more complex Dockerfile)
- Use docker-compose (horizontal scaling)
We have the minimal requirements for our dockerization.
Folder structure:
docker - main folder contains docker-compose.yml and .env files
db - contains sql files for database initialization
sp - contains common staff for IdentityIQ (e.g.:,
tomcat - all stuff for tomcat container
tomcat/webapps - contains wars to deploy
Each folder (db, sp, tomcat/webapps) contains version folders:
docker |--db |--7.3 |--8.0 |--sp |--7.3 |--8.0 |--tomcat |--webapps |--7.3 |--8.0
Create docker-compose.yml:
version: "3" services: tomcat: build: ./tomcat working_dir: /usr/local/tomcat environment: MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} MYSQL_DATABASE: ${MYSQL_DATABASE} links: - "db:${MYSQL_LINK_NAME}" ports: - "${TOMCAT_APPLICATION_PORT}:8080" - "${TOMCAT_APPLICATION_DEBUG_PORT}:8000" depends_on: - db command: ["/home/"] volumes: - "./tomcat/webapps/${SP_VERSION}/identityiq.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/identityiq.war" db: image: mysql:${MYSQL_VERSION} volumes: - "./db/${SP_VERSION}/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/" environment: MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} MYSQL_DATABASE: ${MYSQL_DATABASE} ports: - "${MYSQL_PORT}:3306"
# +++++++++++++++ GLOBAL environment +++++++++++++++ MYSQL_LINK_NAME=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.7.26 TOMCAT_VERSION=8.5.42-jdk8-openjdk-slim SP_VERSION=7.3 # --------------- GLOBAL environment --------------- # +++++++++++++++ MYSQL environment +++++++++++++++ MYSQL_DATABASE=identityiq MYSQL_USER=identityiq MYSQL_PASSWORD=identityiq MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root MYSQL_PORT=3306 # --------------- MYSQL environment --------------- # +++++++++++++++ TOMCAT environment +++++++++++++++ TOMCAT_APPLICATION_PORT=8080 TOMCAT_APPLICATION_DEBUG_PORT=8000 # --------------- TOMCAT environment ---------------Docker-compose will create 2 containers:
- Tomcat
MySQL container will be built from an image, but Tomcat not. It is necessary for 1 reason: tomcat must start only after MySQL container.
For tomcat container uses Dockerfile:
FROM tomcat:8.5.42-jdk8-openjdk-slim #Add waiting script COPY ./ /home/ #Add waiting script RUN chmod +x /home/ #Update all packages RUN apt update #Install mysql-client to check DB RUN apt install mysql-client -yThere are several steps to build the image:
- Copy the script for testing connection to mysql
- Installing mysql-client for script
Script (
#!/bin/bash ATTEMPTS=0 echo "Waiting for mysql" until mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -h db -e "select 1 from $MYSQL_DATABASE.spt_identity" -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD &> /dev/null do printf "\nWaiting for MySQL" printf "\nAttempts: $ATTEMPTS" sleep 1 ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS+1)) done printf "\nMySQL is running\n" printf "\nTry to start tomcat\n" jpda runIn this script container, we will not start tomcat until DB is not initialized.
Main properties for identityiq.war:
# +++++++++++++++++ Database properties +++++++++++++++++ dataSource.username=identityiq dataSource.password=identityiq dataSource.url=jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/identityiq?useServerPrepStmts=true&tinyInt1isBit=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 dataSource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver sessionFactory.hibernateProperties.hibernate.dialect=sailpoint.persistence.MySQL5InnoDBDialec # ----------------- Database properties ----------------- # +++++++++++++++++ Logs properties +++++++++++++++++ log4j.appender.file.File=/usr/local/tomcat/logs/sailpoint.log # ----------------- Logs properties -----------------
Before storing docker container, we need (version of IdentityIQ = 7.3):
- Put sql file of creating DB for identityiq in docker/db/7.3/
- Put identityiq.war in docker/tomcat/webapps/7.3/
Command for starting containers: "docker-compose up -d".
Using docker for IdentityIQ allows:
- Speedup developing and debugging
- Fast deployment (can have several versions at the same time)
- Horizontal scaling (adding specific containers: ldap, DB users...)
- Customization of environment (using sql dump as initial script for DB)
All sources you can find in GitHub.

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I made a mistake - in Dockerfile for tomcat the following row
Must be
FROM tomcat:8.5.42-jdk8-openjdk-slim
Dockefile does not know environment variable here.
Sorry for mistake.
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@Sally_Newton - I edited the article to correct! Let me know if there is anything else.
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We really want to move this way, but how do you propose that the issues with IQService and Connector Gateway be handled? Docker is fine is we're not dealing with mainframe or AD integration... Please advise if I'm off track.

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Hi @kirkpabk
You can add other dockers to you environment or you can use some platform to manage containers. Also, you can setup different containers to manage one part (Connection Getaway) and use it for others... Also you can add them in one environment for local developing and testing. If you need more details. write me to discuss and then we can update article with new examples. Thanks.
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I am able to copy (docker cp) files from my server path to container path (/usr/tomcat), how can I do the reverse. i.e. I want to get the export of files ?
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Can we know if the docker version is supported as part of the product support or expected roadmap