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Error: Invalid object name 'spt_database_version'

Error: Invalid object name 'spt_database_version'

After installing IdentityIQ against an MS SQL Server database, you may encounter the following error message while starting the IIQ Console or in the application server logs:


org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'versionChecker' defined in class path resource [configBeans.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to check IdentityIQ database version: Invalid object name 'spt_database_version'.


The main culprit behind this error is that the default schema is incorrect for the user that IdentityIQ uses to connect to the MS SQL Server DB. There are a few workarounds to this issue, and your DBA is the person ultimately responsible for setting the default schema for the IdentityIQ user. This is the syntax for making the adjustment:


ALTER USER identityiq WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = identityiq;


The above syntax assumes the original DDL script provided has not been edited with a custom user / schema name. If it has been modified, you can trial / error test with the username and the DB name.

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I have also used the following command if you are moving DB's around and the USER info doesn't align quite right: ALTER USER identityiq WITH LOGIN = identityiq

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 28, 2023 06:25 PM
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