IdentityIQ (Any Version)
How do I find my file and my IIQ log files?
To find your file and IIQ log files, you will need to be logged in as a user with administrator rights. Please follow these steps to find both files.
1. Log in as an administrator and navigate to the debug menu of IIQ.
2. Hover over "Debug" and select the "Logging" menu.
3. You will be taken to this page which shows the path to your file.
4. Navigate to your file.
5. Here you will find the following path under log4j.appender.file.File=
6. This is the location of your IIQ log file. Please note that if this line is commented out or no file path is specified, IIQ will be logging to your application server log.
this documentation does not match with version 7
Hello Martin,
For versions 7.0 and newer you will need to do the following to get to the logging details.
> Please navigate to your debug page
> In the top right there is a "wrench" icon
> Once clicked you will see the "logging" link
> Clicking that link will display the file path to your file
(please see the screenshot attached)