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IdentityIQ Console - Out of memory error

IdentityIQ Console - Out of memory error


Performing an action via IIQ Console results in an "Out of memory" error. This occurs when the virtual machine running the IIQ Console application has exceeded the allocated memory.



IIQ Console is configured by default to allocate a minimal amount of memory, ideal for demonstrations and proof-of-concept installations. If you intend to use IIQ Console for administrative or production/support tasks, you will need to allocate more memory.



The memory allocation settings for IIQ Console are defined in the file WEB-INF/bin/iiq or WEB-INF/bin/iiq.bat. To adjust the allocated memory:

  1. Open the WEB-INF/bin/iiq or WEB-INF/bin/iiq.bat file in your preferred text file.
  2. Locate the JAVA_OPTS parameter, near the top of the file, approximately line 16.
  3. Edit the parameter definition to be
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=384m -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  4. Save the file and start IIQ Console.
  5. If you continue to see "Out of memory" errors, adjust the maximum memory allocated by increasing the value specific in the -Xmx flag.


Additional info

For more information about improving the performance of the Java Virtual Machine in IdentityIQ, refer to Java JVM Memory Tuning Guide for IdentityIQ 

For information about using IIQ Console in the course of performing IdentityIQ upgrades, refer to Upgrade: iiq console Memory Heap Allocation Settings  

Labels (2)

cool stuff!!! I was getting similar error in iiq console.


Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Jun 23, 2023 02:53 PM
Updated by: