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IdentityIQ: Troubleshooting stuck workflows

IdentityIQ: Troubleshooting stuck workflows

Occasionally, you may find that an IdentityIQ workflow does not complete in the expected time, and may appear stuck. In this state, subsequently started workflows/tasks may fail to proceed.

There are several steps you can take to determine the cause or resolve the situation:

  1. From IdentityIQ, navigate to the debug page at <identityiq_baseurl>/debug
  2. In the Object Browser, use the dropdown to filter on WorkflowCase objects.
  3. View any current WorkflowCase objects with a Created date more than 1 day in the past.
  4. Delete any such objects, as they could be preventing subsequent activity.

If the same WorkflowCase objects repeatedly fail to complete, consider re-implementing the object in a different way.

An alternative option is to terminate any orphaned tasks that may exist on the server. To do so:

  1. Launch the IIQ Console tool from the command line.
  2. Run the following command:
    terminateOrphans please
  3. Restart the stalled workflows to see if they complete.
Labels (2)

Additionally if you want to troubleshoot why and where is it pending, you can also open workflowcase and go through the step it is at currently (check the currentStep id at the top level and search the workflow case with this id, this could be nested if the workflow calls other workflows internally).


wf current step.png

Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Jun 26, 2023 12:16 PM
Updated by: