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Prevent cleartext credentials over IdentityIQ Active Directory connector

Prevent cleartext credentials over IdentityIQ Active Directory connector

It is best practice to reduce the use of cleartext credentials (which is typical behavior with simple-bind authentication), to prevent sensitive data being transmitted or logged, which may facilitate unauthorized access.

To reduce the exposure of cleartext credentials in applications using the Active Directory connector, review your application configuration to verify your authentication settings:

  1. From IdentityIQ toolbar, navigate to Applications> Application Definition.
  2. Select the application and switch to the Configuration tab.
  3. Review any configuration fields with an Authentication and Security property.
  4. Switch any entry that uses simple authentication to use Strong (SASL).

You may need to work with the administrators of connected systems and applications to ensure strong authentication is supported.


Is there any special configurations that need to occur when transitioning from Simple authentication to Strong (SASL)?

Are there any configurations on the Domain that need to be applied?

How is this different from using TLS on the application?

Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎Aug 03, 2023 01:43 AM
Updated by: