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Search syntax for multi-valued attributes - Exact match

Search syntax for multi-valued attributes - Exact match

IdentityIQ supports querying for objects using Filters. These can be written in Java code (for example, when used in rules or workflows) or in a string-based filter syntax (for example, as a task argument). Searching for identities that have a specific multi-valued attribute requires a more complex filter that joins to IdentityExternalAttribute.


In Java, it looks like this:

String attrName = "myMultiValuedAttr";
String attrValue = "Attribute Name 1";
Filter filter =
Filter.eq("IdentityExternalAttribute.attributeName", attrName),
Filter.eq("IdentityExternalAttribute.value", attrValue));


Or this for case-insensitive:

String attrName = "myMultiValuedAttr";
String attrValue = "Attribute Name 1";
Filter filter =
Filter.and(Filter.join("id", "IdentityExternalAttribute.objectId"),
Filter.eq("IdentityExternalAttribute.attributeName", attrName),
Filter.ignoreCase(Filter.eq("IdentityExternalAttribute.value", attrValue)));


If you'd like to do a filter for an exact match within multi-valued attributes, the filter string will look like this:

(id.join(IdentityExternalAttribute.objectId) && IdentityExternalAttribute.attributeName == "myMultiValuedAttr" && IdentityExternalAttribute.value == "Attribute Name 1")

Or this for case-insensitive:
(id.join(IdentityExternalAttribute.objectId) && IdentityExternalAttribute.attributeName == "myMultiValuedAttr" && IdentityExternalAttribute.value i== "Attribute Name 1")

This syntax will display results with an exact match instead of a partial match. (Example: It will pull back results for "Attribute Name 1" but not "Attribute Name 1 a".)

Labels (1)

Hi...I'm trying to find Active Directory accounts without the accountFlag of User Account is Disabled.  I created a mulitvalue attribute, ADAccountDisabled to house this info.  Per your post I have tried to find only accounts with Normal User Account but all accounts are listed.  I also tried a != options and no luck.  Any ideas?

Neither of these work:

(( && LinkExternalAttribute.attributeName i== "ADAccountDisabled") && LinkExternalAttribute.value != "User Account is Disabled")

(( && LinkExternalAttribute.attributeName i== "ADAccountDisabled") && LinkExternalAttribute.value == "Normal User Account")

Above works for me in a rule but when trying to filter in a population, getting an error:


<CompositeFilter operation="AND">
<Filter operation="COLLECTION_CONDITION" property="links">
<CompositeFilter operation="AND">
<Filter operation="EQ" property="" value="Active Directory App"/>
<CompositeFilter operation="AND">
<Filter joinProperty="LinkExternalAttribute.objectId" operation="JOIN" property="id"/>
<Filter ignoreCase="true" operation="EQ" property="LinkExternalAttribute.attributeName" value="groupMembers"/>
<Filter ignoreCase="true" matchMode="START" operation="LIKE" property="LinkExternalAttribute.value" value="CN=MyGroup,OU=Groups,DC=abc,DC=com"/>


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Invalid path: 'linkExternalAttributeAlias.objectId' [select distinct count(distinct identityAlias) from sailpoint.object.Identity identityAlias inner join identityAlias.links identity_linksAlias0 inner join identity_linksAlias0.application identity_applicationAlias0 inner join identityAlias.links identity_linksAlias1, sailpoint.object.LinkExternalAttribute where (((upper( = :param0 and ( = linkExternalAttributeAlias.objectId and upper(linkExternalAttributeAlias.attributeName) = :param1 and upper(linkExternalAttributeAlias.value) like :param2))) and identityAlias.workgroup != :param3)]
at org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionConverterImpl.convert(

Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎Aug 02, 2023 09:17 PM
Updated by: