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Setting up redirection of certification emails for testing purposes

Setting up redirection of certification emails for testing purposes

The "System Setup -> IdentityIQ Configuration" page shows the following email-settings fields:

Default SMTP Host and Port
Default From Address
Redirection Email Address
Redirection File Name

When the Email Notification Type dropdown selects SMTP, then the IIQ logic uses the SMTP host, port and (default) From Address when composing and sending emails to (workflow-defined) users.

When the Email Notification Type dropdown selects Redirecting, then the Redirection Address and Path specify an alternate location to send emails. The IIQ logic checks for a non-empty filename value (to write all emails to a specific file) and then checks the email address (to send all emails to a specific email address) .

The "System Setup -> Audit Configuration" page includes options on email sent and email failure actions. After selecting these actions, then the "Analyze -> Advanced Analytics -> Audit Search" page queries on these audited actions.

An easy way to send an email message from IdentityIQ uses the "Certification Owner Status" content item from the Dashboard feature.

The following steps configure and run a report on email sent/failure actions:

  1. Go to "System Setup" -> "Audit Configuration"
  2. Select "Email Sent" and "Email Failure" actions
  3. Click "Save"
  4. Go to "Dashboard"
  5. Select "Edit Dashboard" icon
  6. Drag "Certification Owner Status" to "Your Content" list
  7. Save new dashboard content configuration
  8. Click on icon in "Certification Owner Status" on dashboard
  9. Choose a recipient (that has an email address)
  10. Click "Send"
  11. Check for email traffic/log
  12. Go to "Analyze" -> "Advanced Analytics" -> "Audit Search"
  13. Select "Start Date" and set to one month ago
  14. Click "Date","Action","Source","Target","Value 1" fields to display
  15. Click "Run Search"
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Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jun 14, 2023 11:54 PM
Updated by: