If you have any requirement for which you have to create a custom task with custom attribute then you can follow the below steps
This can be achieved by Creating a TaskDefinition and Custom Java class that extends AbstractTaskExecutor. Java class override the methods to implement your business logic in java code.
The class name should be mentioned in as executor value in TaskDefinition like below.
Note: Below is an example for a custom task that pulls search identity and display message on result screen.
1) Create TaskDefinition
Task Definition |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE sailpoint PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd"> <sailpoint> <TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.custom.task.SearchIdentityTask” name="Search Identity Custom Task" progressInterval="5000" progressMode="String" resultAction="Rename" template="true" type="Generic"> <Description> Runs a search for an identity against a specific First Name. </Description> <Signature> <Inputs> <Argument name="search_name" type="string"> <Prompt>Search Identity Name:</Prompt> </Argument> </Inputs> <Returns> <Argument name="success" type="boolean"> <Prompt>Success: </Prompt> </Argument> <Argument name="messages" type="string"> <Prompt>Messages: </Prompt> </Argument> </Returns> </Signature> </TaskDefinition> </sailpoint> |
2) Now create a class file
Note: Business Logic will be written in the execute method and it will change based on your requirement.
SearchIdentityTask.java |
package sailpoint.custom.task;
import sailpoint.api.SailPointContext; import sailpoint.object.Attributes; import sailpoint.object.Identity; import sailpoint.object.TaskResult; import sailpoint.object.TaskSchedule; import sailpoint.task.AbstractTaskExecutor; import sailpoint.task.TaskMonitor; import sailpoint.tools.GeneralException;
public class SearchIdentityTask extends AbstractTaskExecutor { private String strSearchname = null; private boolean isSuccess = false; private String messages = null;
public boolean isSuccess() { return isSuccess; }
public void setSuccess(boolean isSuccess) { this.isSuccess = isSuccess; }
public String getMessages() { return messages; }
public void setMessages(String messages) { this.messages = messages; }
public String getStrSearchname() { return strSearchname; }
public void setStrSearchname(String strSearchname) { this.strSearchname = strSearchname; }
//method that will be executed when the task executes @Override public void execute(SailPointContext paramSailPointContext, TaskSchedule paramTaskSchedule, TaskResult paramTaskResult, Attributes<String, Object> paramAttributes) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub
TaskMonitor localTaskMonitor = new TaskMonitor(paramSailPointContext, paramTaskResult); setMonitor(localTaskMonitor);
localTaskMonitor.updateProgress("Parsing Arguments"); parseArgs(paramAttributes); //Get Custom attribute value System.out.println("First Name to be searched : " + this.getStrSearchname()); localTaskMonitor.updateProgress("Validating Arguments"); if (!validateArgs()) { localTaskMonitor.updateProgress("Arguments failed validation"); setSuccess(false); } else { localTaskMonitor.updateProgress("Searching for term..."); Identity user = paramSailPointContext.getObjectByName(Identity.class, this.getStrSearchname()); System.out.println("First Name to be searched user.getEmail() : " + user.getEmail()); if (user != null) setMessages("User Found with Name : " + this.getStrSearchname()); else setMessages("No user Found with Name : " + this.getStrSearchname());
setSuccess(true); localTaskMonitor.updateProgress("Finished."); } populateTaskResult(paramTaskResult);
} // Prepare Result Screen private void populateTaskResult(TaskResult paramTaskResult) { paramTaskResult.setAttribute("success", Boolean.valueOf(isSuccess())); paramTaskResult.setAttribute("messages", getMessages()); }
@Override public boolean terminate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; }
public void parseArgs(Attributes<String, Object> paramAttributes) { this.strSearchname = paramAttributes.getString("search_name"); }
public boolean validateArgs() throws GeneralException { if ((this.strSearchname == null) || (this.strSearchname.trim().equals(""))) { setMessages("Must specify a first name to be searched!"); return false; } else { return true; } }
} |
3) Compile the class file and copy it inside “\webapps\identityiq\WEB-INF\classes\sailpoint\custom\task”
4) Restart tomcat
5) Go to Setup -> Tasks to configure your task and schedule if required
Nicely Explained!
Hi, does anyone know how to define a password field as an argument?
I have tried with the keyword "secret" but it seems not to load the field...
<Argument name="password" type="secret">
Thank you
Hi @msalinas,
Apart from <Argument> tag, Could you try changing/adding the entry in /apache-tomcat-9.0.21\webapps\identityiq\monitor\tasks\accountAggregationTask.xhtml
Hi @smr246, with just the Argument tag I can "see" the field label, but not able to write anything:
It's not an Aggregation Task, it's a custom one...
I'm trying to get something like in Application-> Settings
Thanks a lot
Could you just use the encrypted string and then decrypt it in your code?
Do you mean like using a hash in a clear text field?
The problem is that then the administrators have to make that conversion everytime they change the password. I think it adds more complexity in their operation...
Thank you
I have the similar usecase. Did you found a way to enter password in secret field?
Hi @senthilmarangs , no, I didin't find a way sorry.
For password that don't change often I used the hashing mecanism in the task attribute.
For other passwords, I buried the clear password in a custom object.
Hi, In the above example there is given java source file so how can i get java class file with same source file?
Hi @Ujjwal3012
You can compile the java source code to get the java class file. To do that you can build your IIQ repository or can use iiqda plugin to compile your java file and after that you can place your class file in desired location.