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Testing many application connectors at once

Testing many application connectors at once



There may be a time where you want to test all of the connections of your applications.  Doing this one-by-one in the IIQ user interface may be cumbersome if you have a lot of applications.  You could do something programmatic, leveraging the IIQ API, however this requires development knowledge.

The easiest way, without any development, is to leverage the connectorDebug command in the IIQ console. Easily done in 3 simple steps, and no development is necessary!


Get application list


First you'd want to list all applications in the system, and save that to a file:


$ iiq console

> list Application > appTest.iiq


When you open appTest.iiq you'll see something like the following (your data may vary):











NBA Active Directory




Transform application list to console commands


Second, we'll want to modify this file to be a set of connectorDebug commands which test each connector.  For reference:


> connectorDebug

usage: connectorDebug application method [methodArgs]

  valid methods are test, iterate and get



  connectorDebug appName test

  connectorDebug appName iterate [account|group] (defaults to account)

  connectorDebug appName get account|group nativeIdentity

  connectorDebug appName auth username password


Our modified appTest.iiq file will look something like this, with each command on its own line:


connectorDebug "Active_Directory" test

connectorDebug "Composite_ERP_Global_App_Users" test

connectorDebug "Composite_ERP_Global_DB" test

connectorDebug "Composite_ERP_Global_Platform" test

connectorDebug "ERP_Global" test

connectorDebug "HR_Contractors" test

connectorDebug "HR_Employees" test

connectorDebug "NBA Active Directory" test

connectorDebug "Oracle_DB_oasis" test

connectorDebug "Procurement_System" test


Run console commands


Third, save the file, and source this file from the IIQ console:


> source appTest.iiq

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.

Test Succeeded.


Each command runs in order that it was written in the sourced appTest.iiq file.



I am looking for something like this but I could find one drawback with this approach. I have over 900 SharePoint connectors for which connectivity has to be tested. The output only displays test succeeded but it doesn't mention the name of the application for which the test has been done.

Is there a way we can get the name of the application in the output as well? Or can it be done someway through java/beanshell?



There is no way to print this information out.  If you want something different, you'll need to write your own rule to do so.

You might find this thread helpful: How to automate step Application/Test Connection?. The script that I posted in that thread is meant for a single application, but it should be relatively easy to have it iterate over all applications or all applications of a specific type.

- Menno


Hi @gopinath_rao 

You can edit .iiq file as below


echo "Testing connection for <Application Name>"

connectorDebug <Application Name> test


* in iiq echo supports.

Hi, can anyone suggest any method to capture the failure message in the output file as well?

Currently it only captures "Test Successful". I would like to capture any failures too.. 


I need to test all application connection via rule. So, I can get both successful and failure report and error msg too.

and I have to store all successful and failure report in csv file. Can someone please help me with this.



Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎Jul 31, 2023 06:32 PM
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