Troubleshooting data export task truncation issues
A data export task may contain a warning message indicating content was truncated because the target column size is too small:
Attribute 'Comment' was truncated for Link 'Engine Repair Team'
In troubleshooting this issue, it is important to find out what the content is that is too large and also what column it's supposed to go into. Once both are identified, a decision can be made as to whether to manually reduce the content or expand the target column.
Enabling the typical hibernate logging settings will not help in this scenario. The data export task mechanism bypasses the hibernate libraries and directly inserts into the sptr_* tables. Instead, this setting will capture the data export SQL statements along with the values intended to be inserted into the sptr_* tables:
This is a sample of the logging that will be generated in the IdentityIQ log file:
sailpoint.reporting.custom.DataExporter:118 - Entering insertAttributes(clazz = class sailpoint.object.EntitlementGroup, id = User5, stmt = com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement[1394] - insert into sptr_identity_entitlements (type, description, value, id, identity_id, native_identity, display_name , application_id, application_name, application_instance, export_date) values(null, null, null, '8a80810e45ce36f40145ce427e9719e0', '8a80810e45ce36f40145ce3f6d3a12f8', 'User5', 'User5', '8a80810e45ce36f40145ce386f5d02c5', 'testInstancesApplication', 'inst1', 1399653151362), attributes = {group=[Movers, Shakers]}, maxValueLength = 2048)