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How can I provide sign in help for my users?

How can I provide sign in help for my users?

Administrators can use an API to add a custom message to the sign on page. Use this message to provide information users might not already know about their sign in options. If an Admin configures this message for a user, the user will see the message whenever they log into IdentityNow.

The format of the message can also be customized. For example, Admins can use plain text, styling like bold or italic, a list, or a link that will open in a new browser tab.

If IdentityNow is experiencing a partial outage, the message that appears on the sign-in page will appear in a yellow banner above your sign-in help message.



  • On Chrome, sign in to the org as an administrator. Click Admin and use strong authentication to log in.

  • Open your preferred tool for making API calls.

NOTE: Because of changes to the way IdentityNow deals with cross-site request forgeries, all non-GET Postman calls require an additional header described in the Authentication section of the Developer portal.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Get the current brand settings: 

    GET <org>/cc/api/branding/list?name=<brand name>

  2. Use Notepad or some other editing software to define the html required for the login message you want to display.
    This is the text that appears in the blue box above the username and password fields on the login page.

  3. Post the message using the API:

    POST <org>/cc/api/branding/update/update?name=default&productName=Sailpoint

Set the following form-data key-value pairs. Any pairs omitted are set to null:



name <name from GET>
productName <productName from GET>
emailFromAddress <email address from GET>
actionButtonColor <hex color from GET>
activeLinkColor <hex color from GET>
navigationColor <hex color from GET>
narrowLogoURL <url from GET>
standardLogoURL <url from GET>
loginInformationalMessage <html message>


NOTE: The value you supply for loginInformationalMessage has a limit of 1024 bytes.

You can use some basic HTML such as:

  • Text formatting (For example: <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, <u>Underline</u>)
  • Links (For example: <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Click for more info</a>)
  • Lists (For example: <ul><li>This is a list item</li></ul>)

The user will see the message whenever they log in to IdentityNow.

Version history
Revision #:
7 of 7
Last update:
‎Oct 26, 2022 04:08 PM
Updated by: