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How to: Submit feedback

How to: Submit feedback



As we navigate through the community, we begin to form thoughts and opinions around how certain features and documents should exist. Some thoughts may be positive while others may be negative, but nonetheless feedback is a valuable source of information that will be used to make important decisions. 

Sharing feedback is essential to improving the overall community experience, so when drafting your ideas please be as specific and impactful as possible.

This guide will show how to submit your feedback in the community.


Submitting search feedback

Want to help in improving Compass's search feature?

To get started, contact  and provide your constructive suggestions, thoughts, and ideas.


Submitting content feedback

Submitting content feedback is easy!

1. Begin by selecting the article you wish to provide feedback on, then scroll to the end of the document and click on Submit Content Feedback.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

2. Fill out the form with as much information as possible, then click on Post.

Note: After you submit your feedback, a SailPoint representative will review it and implement any necessary changes promptly.

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png


Giving good content feedback

When providing feedback on documentation, it's crucial to approach the task with a critical eye, focusing on the relevance, organization, and comprehensiveness of the content. Offering specific suggestions for improvement can help fill gaps or clarify areas needing more detail. Additionally, Identifying inconsistencies, errors, or ambiguities improves document quality. In essence, offering thoughtful and constructive feedback helps create clear and supportive materials that enhance the user experience by effectively conveying information.


Example of good content feedback

This submission is a great example of good feedback because the user is informing us that he encountered a broken link in a particular article.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png


Example of ineffective content feedback

This submission is not feedback, but rather a question that is best suited for SailPoint's product forums. To learn more about participating in the forums, please read the community tutorial, How to: Forums.

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png


Want to learn more about Compass's search feature? Check out the How to: Search article.

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Version history
Revision #:
14 of 14
Last update:
‎Jun 28, 2024 08:22 PM
Updated by: